Alice has a Vision

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When Alice got back she was madder than a wet hen! She wanted to be there for Axles birth. And Jasper got to hold him before her! According to her this was just not fair. She got over it quickly when Alice said she could pick out his clothes for the next week or two. She also mentioned shopping for clothes for Axle since his growth rate is unexplainable. He looks like a 2 year old but is a couple weeks old! He already walks! Rosalie has been so upset and worried about him. What if he doesn't stop aging? What time will we have with him? I decided to ask Rose if she'd like to go for a walk. She did but as a family with Axle. So we went for a walk in the meadow behind the house. While we walked Axle would speed away in little spirts but wouldn't stray far from us. "Look Mommy! Look Daddy! There's someone standing over there!" We look and sure enough there's a tall blonde woman standing at the end of the meadow. "Irina! Come join us!" Rose yells. Irina shakes her head and runs quickly away. That was odd. Rosalie runs to try to catch up with her but couldn't catch up to her. Definitely weird. We walked back to the house with Axle. "Uncle Jasper! I raced Daddy and I beat him here!" Axle says. "Wow! I knew you were fast but not that fast!" Jasper says. Alice comes in carrying a vase but stops in the middle of the room with a horrified look on her face. She drops the vase and glass shatters. Rosalie pulls Axle close to her away from the glass. I get a broom and sweep up the glass quickly. Jasper is calming Alice down. We look to Alice to explain what's going on. "The Voltori are coming after us because Irina told them we created an immortal child. We'll be all sentenced to death. Except myself. They'll pardon me if I join them. Which I won't." Alice explains. "I think we need to gather all the friends we can who'll fight or at least witness for us that Axle isn't an immortal child. He grows everyday!" Rose says. I hold her and Axle close to me. "We'll figure this out babe." I try to soothe her. She holds Axle impossibly close. "You guys should go convince the Denali's to at least witness for us. We'll go try to get Carlisle and Esme to come witness for us. I'll tell him to leave Edward and Bella there. Once we do that then we'll go look around for others to help us." Alice says. We nod and I thank Alice for her help. "We're family. That's what we do." Alice smiles sadly at me. I rush to get Axles diaper bag just in case he spills something on himself then I help Rosalie and Axle get in the new car Rose bought. It's a family car. A Cadillac Escalade. Red of course. I drive quickly to the Denalis house following Rosalie's directions. When we get there it's dark outside. It's getting close to Axle's bedtime actually but we have to do this as soon as possible. The big light outside their house illuminates the driveway. Tanya and Kate and Eleazar and Cameron are all surprised to see me as a vampire. I quickly explain to them that Irina went to the Voltori about something we didn't do and that we need their help to witness for us. I explain how I got Rose pregnant and she had Axle. Rose brings Axle out at this time and they all freak out about us creating an immortal child. "He is not an immortal child. He grows every single day. Look at these pictures of when he was a baby just a few weeks ago! Ask him. He will tell you his story." Rose says. "Mommy carried me in her belly and I came out. And I look like I'm two but I'm not. I'm 3 weeks old. I drink animal blood that Daddy brings me. She's going to teach me how to hunt soon on my own! I don't hurt humans. I like my animal diet just fine." He tells them. They look at the pictures and Cameron asks to hold Axle. Rosé begrudgingly lets him go. Axle enjoys the attention. Eleazar is looking at me and Axle funny. "What's wrong Eleazar?" I ask. "I'm just astounded to see such gifted vampires. You and your son." "What gift does Axle have?" Rose and I ask at the same time. "He can wield fire as he wishes. As can you Riley. Since you copy other vampires gifts. You can also track like Demetri and give out pain like Jane. You also have sensory deprivation like Alec. And can read every memory and thought a person has had by a touch like Aro. And you can zap someone like Kate and can sense what gifts each vampire has as I do. If Aro knew of your gift you'd be in his collection right now." Eleazar says. Rose grabs me and growls out "mine!" I hold her closely and soothe her with my scent and calming words. "I'm yours and yours alone love. You and Axle are my world!" I tell her. She relaxes. "I can't believe you have my gift! You shouldn't copy gifts without permission!" Kate pouts. "I can't help it. I do not do it on purpose. It just happens. I'm sorry." I say. "Since you can't control it I'll let it go." Kate says. "Thanks." I say. "Now zap me so I know how it feels." Kate says with a smile. I laugh and zap her on a lower setting. "Ouch!" Kate jerks away. We all laugh. "That's just a taste of what you do." I say. "Well now I know" Kate laughs. "It's late and way past Axles bedtime so we'll be going now. Thank you for agreeing to see Axle and to witness for us." I say.  They all nod and Tanya says "It's the least we could do after Irina put you in that situation." "Well thank you. Good night." And we get in the car and drive home.

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