The Wedding

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I sit in the front where Esme told me to sit since I'm Bella's sister. I wait a bit looking around. There's some blonde bombshells over on Edwards side. I'm sure they're related to the Cullens somehow. They're beautiful I will admit but not near as beautiful as Rosalie. The music starts and Rosalie walks down the aisle. A blonde goddess! I swear! I can't keep my eyes off Rosalie though I'm sure I'm supposed to watch Alice walk down the aisle. Alice winks at me when I finally can tear my eyes off Rosalie. Then the wedding march starts and everyone turns to look at Bella. I make myself turn too and watch Dad walk Bella down the aisle. Bella is grinning at Edward. Edward is grinning right back. Dad hands Bella off to Edward and sits beside me. I zone out when the pastor starts talking about love and the union of Edward and Bella. My eyes wander to a different view. Rosalie. I'm staring at her. Again. Though this time she stares right back. She smirks at me knowing I've been staring at her. I blush. Dad nudges me and whispers "Eyes on your sister. You came to watch her get married not ogle her soon to be sister in law." I really blush this time. I stare at the happy couple getting married. I start listening in to Bella saying "From this day forward, I promise to be a true and faithful partner in all life's circumstances as we face them together. In the joys and sorrows, the good times and bad, in sickness or health, I will always be there for you, to comfort you, love you, honour and cherish you, now and forevermore." The Pastor continues with "Now's the time to seal your vows by exchanging rings. May the rings continue to remind you of what you promised today and help strengthen your relationship and guard your journey from this day onward." They exchange rings. "Now that you've proclaimed your undying love and commitment towards each other in the presence of your loved ones and the Almighty, by the power vested in me by the state of Washington, it gives me immense pleasure to pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride." Edward kisses Bella. Everyone including me claps for the newly weds. They walk down the aisle and we all follow them to the backyard where there's tables set up. Everyone eats their meals and drinks sparkling juice or champagne. Me, I'm drinking some champagne! Dad keeps throwing back flutes of champagne like they're shots. He's had three already! I'm not far behind him with my second one. I start to venture towards Rosalie but get stopped by Billy. "It's good to see you Riley! I haven't seen you in years!" I hug him and then Sue Clearwater. I see Seth and am surprised at how big he is. I give him a hug as well and we chat a bit. "I'm sorry to hear about Harry. He was a good man. I'll miss fishing with him." I say to Sue and Billy. They thank me and ask how I'm doing. "My knee is as good as it's going to get. They replaced my knee cap totally. I have a limp. But I'm alive." I say. "Where's Jacob? I haven't seen him in years!" I say. Billy smiles sadly. "He couldn't make it. But I'm sure if you stick around you'll see him someday soon." I nod. I excuse myself and get another glass of champagne. "You should go easy on that. You might end up falling over drunk." Rosalie says. I smile at her. "It'll take more than a few glasses of champagne to knock me down. I saw you speaking to some people over there. The one looked very irate. Everything ok?" I ask. "Don't worry about Irina. She's got a stick up her ass about the whole wedding. They're my cousins from Denali, Alaska." She says. Emmett taps the mic and says "Bella, I hope you had a good night's sleep because you won't be getting much sleep now!" I laugh and Rosalie smacks her forehead like what was Emmett thinking? I steer Rosalie to my table and set her in the chair beside me. We watch the friends and family go up and say their speeches for the happy couple. Mom embarrassed me by singing very off key to a lullaby she sang to us as kids. Dad did his "I'm a cop tough guy" speech. Esme made a heartfelt speech welcoming Bella to the family. I asked Rosalie while other friends spoke if anyone had a guitar I could borrow. She says "Jasper has an electric guitar you could borrow. I'll get him to get it for you." She walks quickly to Jasper and whispers in his ear and he nods and goes into the house. Not long later he comes with an acoustic guitar. "I thought you'd rather have my acoustic than my electric one." He says as he hands it to me. "Thanks! I'll give it right back." I make my way to the stage. "Hi. I'm Bella's older sister Riley. I know we don't always get along Bella but I love you and hope you have a lifetime of happiness with Edward." I then sing Maroon 5's She will be loved.

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