Preparing for the Voltori

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Sorry this chapter is so short. I've been pretty busy and haven't been able to write but wanted to get a chapter posted.

Rosalie's cell phone rings. She answers, "Hello? Alice! Where are you"- she was interrupted. "Rose I haven't much time. The first time it snows be at the open field. That's where the Voltori will be meeting you. I can't tell you more than that I'm sorry. Love you guys goodbye." Alice hangs up, leaving Rosalie confused. "Why couldn't she talk more than that?" She asks me. "Maybe she doesn't want Aro to see more than that when we talk to him." I say. She nods and says "That may be it." It begins to lightly snow. "I guess Alice called just in time. Let's pack a tent and some camping gear for the kids to sit in before we go to the field." I say. "I'll pack everything we need while you tell the plan to everyone else." Rose says. I go to the backyard where everyone is gathered talking by a campfire. I explain the situation to everyone and they all agree to meet up with the Voltori. Though Amun was reluctant to go. Leah, one of the wolves that came to help, keeps glaring our way. I pick up Axle and she glares more. Her eyes focus on my child and she gets a look of surprise on her face and drops to her knees. She's no longer glaring but a look of adoration comes on her face as she continues to stare at my son. "What just happened? Is Leah ok? She's acting odd." I say. Rose stops walking and looks back at us. She looks to our son then to Leah. She looks absolutely pissed off right now. "You! You dare to imprint on my son?!" Oh that's what happened. Just like Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. Well it's definitely gonna be hard to calm down Rose. "Hon it's ok. It's like Jacob explained to us, it's like you'd do anything, be anything for them. Like a big sister. A protector. It'll be ok. Just calm down love." I say. She glares at me and says "I can't believe you're on her side?! She imprinted on our son! A baby yet!" "Yes but who better to help keep our son safe than Leah a wolf shifter?" She huffs and says "this conversation is not over but we do not have time right now! We have to get to the field ahead." And she glares at Leah then turns around and stomps away. Leah gets up from the ground and thanks me for taking up for her. I nod and we make our way through the woods and into an open field. Rose and I set up the tent for the kids and put sleeping bag heating pads in their sleeping bags in the bottom of the tent so they'd be warm. Then I pulled out the Nintendo DS games I had Emmett buy for them. They're warm and distracted now. I make my way out of the tent with Rosalie close to my side. We stand with our family and friends and wait for the Voltori.

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