Chapter 1 : The engagement

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"Hi", he said.

I'm Lillian, all dressed up on the day I've dreaded for years. That was my first time meeting 'him', my soon-to-be husband. I had 10 minutes to talk to him. To decide my future.

"Hi, I'm...". I'd always felt like an idiot when saying my name to others, so let's skip that part. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry but I'm not interested in this marriage. I don't believe in arranged marriages and I also don't believe in getting married with no career. Can you tell them that you don't like me?", I blurted out.

His shock was evident in his eyes though his face remained calm. "What makes you think I'll not want this marriage?", he said in a teasing tone.

Was he mocking me? Did he even hear what I just said?

"Look, I don't have time to play tease with you. I'm serious. I have great dreams to achieve before I start a family and when I do, I can never imagine it with someone I know nothing about."

"What exactly is your dream?", he asked, all the traces of mockery gone from his face.

"Um... I love coding. I want to be a software engineer. I also want to be an entrepreneur.", I said hesitantly. Why did I feel like I was revealing too much? 

Right! Because he was a total stranger and I didn't even know his name. Of course, my mother told me but it didn't get into my brain.

He stayed silent for a long time, deep in thought. When he spoke again, there was a mischievous spark in his eyes. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Ugh... There it was. The dumb question that I knew he would ask.

"No, and it has nothing to do with...", I tried to say as he interrupted, "Don't interrupt and patiently listen to what I said before you choose to lash out at me".

I was interrupting him!?

When I nodded reluctantly, he continued enthusiastically, "Tell your parents you like me". 

Before I could protest, he hastily warned, "No interruptions". 

I was pretty sure that I had a sour expression on my face but I nodded anyway. After making sure I was listening, he continued, "I'm not interested in getting married at all."

At all? Was he planning on being a bachelor forever?

"I'm here because my parents forced me to. I had no intention of saying yes to you. But now I think I have a better idea. Even if I reject you, I'll be there talking with a new girl tomorrow. I need my parents to leave me alone and you kind of need the same. Here is what we can do, so we both can get what we want. Say yes to the marriage. I can postpone it, at least for six months. We'll get you to start a career within that time period. Then we can cancel the marriage. I'll be stress-free for 6 months and you can do whatever you want with your own money then".

It was stupid. He was stupid. But... It might work. 

No no no no. Don't think like that. 

"How do you plan on canceling the wedding?" I asked pushing down the hope that was building inside of me. 

I was an idiot.

He just shrugged and said, "I don't know. We'll figure it out. I'm ready to take all the blame if needed. Let's say I have an affair or something".

Yes. This guy's upper compartment was empty.

"How can I trust you? And how do you think I'll be able to attend interviews? How will I prepare?", I asked as the plan felt more and more like a mistake.

He said casually, "We can pretend we're talking together. We'll pretend that we're going out for lunch or something and as for the trust part, you don't have a choice."

"Lillian!!", I heard my father calling me from downstairs.

"What do you say?", he asked.

I was standing there staring at him, unable to say no. After waiting for a couple of minutes in vain he said, "Then I'll do as you wish", as he walked down the stairs.


I was standing in front of the excruciating eyes of my parents. My dad didn't even bother to ask me for my consent and started talking about the marriage date. His mother interrupted my dad and asked me, "Dear, do you like my Jaime?".

So, his name was Jaime.

I saw him lean forward to interrupt but before he got a chance I said,


And that's how I got engaged to a stranger.


Hey guys!!! So that's your first chapter. But don't worry. It gets better.

Don't forget to hit the star and make me shine. 


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