Chapter 6 : Therapy

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After an hour of walking to and fro in my room, I decided to call Elle. My mind had been messed up since that moment with Jamie yesterday. I needed to get this shit out of my head.

"Wassup, Lilly", said Elle with her usual childishness. My heart warmed up with just her voice.

"You're an angel. You know that?", I said, laughing.

"Whoa girl. That was a bit sudden. What happened?", she asked, concerned.

Was I that transparent? "Nothing happened, Elle. I'm free today, and I thought we could catch up. Can I come over?"

I could feel the change in her mood through the phone.

"Um... Actually, Lilly, I don't think anyone told you this. But today's the last weekend of the month, and...", she dragged.

Why was she hesitating? "Yeah?", I said, confused.

"Today's therapy day", she said and paused.

"Who's going to therapy?" I couldn't ever imagine Elle in therapy. Her silence concerned me.

"Elle. Answer me. What do you mean therapy?", I said harsher than I intended.

She took a deep breath. "Lilly, have you ever wondered how we met? Me, Anya, Ricky, and Jamie?", she asked.

Yeah, I'd even asked Alex about it. "Alex told me he was Jamie's childhood friend, and I thought you and Anya met Jamie when Alex started dating Anya", I said. What does this have to do with therapy?

"No. Jamie was the one who introduced Anya to Alex. I met Anya and Jamie in a group therapy session. All three of us were complete strangers before then. Ricky used to accompany Anya to her therapy sessions. Ricky was Anya's ex-boyfriend."

Wait. What? That was a lot of information in one sentence.

Jamie was in therapy? To be honest, it made sense, as his girlfriend was d-- no more.

But Anya and Elle? Elle was such a happy fairy, I couldn't even imagine her being sad. I felt a tight clenching in my chest.

And Ricky used to date Anya? I mean, I'd thought that they would make a good pair, but now that they were dating different people, how could they be friends? And how could Elle be best friends with her boyfriend's ex?

"Elle. This is too much to process. You're not kidding, are you?", I whispered, feeling heavy.

"Why would I joke in a matter like this, Lilly? I'm telling the truth. Each of us has our own battles to fight. But it doesn't mean we can't be happy".

I didn't know what to say. I wanted to go hug this girl so tight and pour all the happiness and joy in this world right into her heart.

After a minute of silence, she said, "Lilly. I wish I could meet up with you, but I'm sorry. It's time for my session. Bye".

I couldn't reply. I just mumbled a Mm and disconnected the call.

I sat there for half an hour, staring at the blank wall, processing everything that Elle had said. It was suffocating. The room was suffocating. I needed air. I barged out of the room and walked a few steps on the street, lost in thought before I hit on something solid. Actually, someone solid.

"I'm sorry", I said as I saw his face.

Tears started to pour out of my eyes. I'd never cried in front of him before. I didn't like crying in front of anyone. But I couldn't control it. I cried like an idiot in the middle of the street.

"It's ok", Alex said, pulling me into a hug and gently patting my back.

"Do you even know why I'm crying?", I said, my voice muffled by his body.

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