Chapter 25 - Alone

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Regardless of everything I did to be happy, I ended up in the same spot. I somehow couldn't seem to break away from the loop. I wasn't a stranger to this feeling, even when Daniel broke up with me. And it only went uphill from there.

And despite thinking that I had finally saved myself, here I was, feeling the same again.

I was stuck in a tornado of emotions, each one creating total chaos and leaving me drained. I couldn't think of a time when I'd been so stressed. My breath was heaving, and I wasn't convinced that it was because of my run.

I had blindly run through the trees until my tears went dry, and I lost the fight with the rain. It was still raining like hell, and I sat there on a dirty rock, drenched in despair or fury. I didn't know.

I didn't know how much time had passed when I heard the voices. I hadn't realized that it wasn't raining anymore. God knew how long I'd been sitting there.

As much as I wanted to be alone, I also wanted to take down my pent-up frustration on someone, and I gladly waited for the poor soul to reach me. Unfortunately, I was awarded more than I asked for.

Ricky strode through the clearing first, his shoulders relaxing when he caught sight of me.

Lucky Jamison.

He shouted something to his back, and my other so-called friends joined him before they marched up to me.

I didn't talk. The one I wanted wasn't here yet.

"What on earth were you thinking?" Anya asked, stepping forward and glaring at me like it was all my mistake.

I didn't look at her. I kept staring at the direction from which they came.

He's not here yet.

I didn't see their faces, but I could imagine the frown on all their faces. Maybe a bit of concern mixed in Elle's.

After a few moments of infuriating waiting, the realization hit me that he wasn't going to show up. Anya spoke with a face forced to be calm, but her voice betrayed her irritation.

"Do you know how insane you looked when you literally jumped out of the window, in the middle of the road, and ran away?"

"Stop it." The words came out so dangerously low that she paused for a second, rethinking her choices.

I knew I looked insane. I knew I sounded insane. I had talked to her like she was my best friend just a few hours ago, but now all I could think was that he was not here. He didn't bother to come looking for me. Maybe I was insane, but right at the moment, I couldn't care any less.

"Lilly..." Elle started.

"Don't." I tried to, but I couldn't make my tone any less harsh than it came out. "Stay out of it."

She flinched but didn't say anything. Her prince charming did instead.

"Lilly, what the hell is wrong with-"

Alex grabbed his arms to make him shut up mid-sentence, but the damage had already been done.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted as I stood.

They took a uniform step backward. Like they were one single entity. "Maybe that's the problem," I mumbled. Because I was on the opposite side. Alone.

"What is the problem?" Alex asked with his thoughtful eyes, like he was a damn philosopher and I was just another piece of paper he was inspecting.

How did I end up here?

"You," I said, my voice echoing through the woods. "All of you. You're the problem. Do you even see me as a friend? Or am I still the-girl-Jamie-brought-for-lunch?"

My Fake FiancéTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang