Sixty-three | Relapse

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My feet drag against the tar as I make my way down the street

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My feet drag against the tar as I make my way down the street. It's almost as if the street is completely empty. Every house, every lamppost, every car is completely gone.

My head is pounding and I can't feel my heart. It's not beating. It feels like I'm already dead.

My eyes want to close, but I'm no where near my house. Tears burn my cheeks and it's like everything I've ever wanted in life has all come crashing down tonight. I can still feel her. I can still see her.

What the hell am I going to tell Nida? That I cheated on her? Is our relationship over? I don't want it to be over. How could I even bring it up to her if she's not speaking to me?

I just want the last few hours of my life back. I wish I never went to that house, I wish I never drank from that cup, I wish I never looked at her, I wish- I wish- I wish I was dead. I want everything to stop.

After the drugs wore off, I practically ran out of the house without anyone knowing. I couldn't be there. I am frozen, cold and frosty, all the way to my goddamn mind. My limbs are still heavy which is why I'm struggling to walk.

I'm not even sure where I am. All I know is that I'm out of the Hamptons as I don't really know any of these landmarks.

My feet slowly walk the middle of the dark road, still trying to understand what I did to deserve this. Was it the way I looked at her?

I know it wasn't what I said because I didn't say anything. I turn my head around, still seeing how empty this street is.

My head turns back and suddenly I see a car come speeding in my direction. I don't move out of the way as the headlights flash me in the eyes. The car honks, swerving away from me.

Before I know it another car zooms past me. My mind finally connects with my body and I look around seeing I'm in the middle of the street.

My eyes move around and I notice I'm in the middle of Brooklyn. Specifically where Zain lives.

My heart beat picks up and my hands go to my chest. I pull at my t-shirt, feeling an anxious knot in my stomach.

How the hell did I end up here?

My headache becomes stronger and I move towards the apartment building. My body moves up the stairs and I find myself standing in front of his apartment door. I stand up straight, shutting my eyes and taking a deep breath in, ready to face what's ahead of me. If I'm going to do die... it's going to be on my terms.

Raising my fist, I pound it against the door. "Zain!" I shout which will most likely wake up his neighbours. "Zain!" I shout again, feeling my stomach churn. "Come on! Open up!"

My body begins to feel heavy and I force myself to not fall to the ground.Tears stream down my face as I keep hitting the door.

Soon the door swings open and my eyes land on Zain, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "What do you want?" He shouts, still trying to focus on who's standing in front of him. "Noah?" His voice calms down as my hands tremble.

Noah (Obsessions in Overdrive #1)Where stories live. Discover now