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As the waves gently lapped at the shore, Yn continued, her voice filled with determination, "I want you to know, I've already given my parents everything they've ever given me. I'm earning a good salary, and I just have one last wish. It's my childhood dream to buy them a luxurious home and make their life as comfortable as possible. I've been working so hard and have saved enough money to fulfill that dream. But I want to make sure you understand that once I've settled with you, I plan to buy that home for them back in India because I don't want to regret anything. I don't want to leave them, but I also don't want to lose you."

Yoongi looked at Yn with deep admiration and love. He gently cupped her face and said, "Yn, your love for your family and your dedication to us are truly remarkable. I respect and support your decision, and I know that we can build a beautiful life together, one filled with love and understanding."

After leaving the beach and heading to dinner, Yoongi playfully asked Yn, "You know, Yn, you haven't called me by my name even once, and you still haven't addressed me by my name. What's the deal?"

Yn grinned mischievously and retorted, "Well, can I call you '아저씨' (ahjusshi)?

Yoongi laughed and shook his head, "No, not that!"

Yn pretended to ponder for a moment, then asked, "Alright, what can I call you then?"

Yoongi leaned in with a sly smile, "You can call me 'Ongi'-a unique and special nickname just for you."

Yn blushed at the endearing suggestion, "Ongi? I like that. From now on, you're my Ongi."

After their delightful dinner, while they were in the car, Yoongi turned to Yn and asked, "Kitten, would you like some ice cream?"

Yn blushed, feeling both shy and happy that Yoongi was calling her by a pet name. She nodded eagerly, her smile shining.

Not too far from where they were, Yoongi stopped the car and went into a convenience store to buy some ice cream for Yn. She couldn't contain her excitement and started enjoying her ice cream while he drove.

Feeling playful and without letting Yoongi know, Yn decided to share the ice cream with him. She slyly took a scoop of ice cream and, instead of offering it directly, playfully aimed it towards his face, causing him to be startled and a little worried.

Yoongi, with a concerned look, asked, "Kitten, why are you offering me ice cream like this?"

Yn giggled and corrected her approach, "I wanted to feed you lovingly, like this!" She offered another scoop of ice cream, making sure this time it reached his mouth. Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle at her playful gesture and enjoyed the sweet treat from her hand.

While they were driving, Yn turned to Yoongi with a curious expression and asked, "Yoongi, how many girls have you dated? How many idols or heroines have been in a relationship with you? And how many breakups have you had?"

Yoongi smiled and responded, "If I told you the number, you probably wouldn't believe me. But you should know, you're my first true love."

Yn was shocked by his revelation and asked, "Why? Why didn't you date anyone before me?"

Yoongi explained, "You know, I'm an introvert. I don't like people who talk too much. I did go on a date a few years ago with an idol, but she was extremely talkative, and I just didn't enjoy her company. She kept asking me question after question, and it was just too much for me. That's why I didn't pursue dating."

Smiling at Yoongi's explanation, Yn playfully responded, "Well, I promise I won't talk your ear off. You won't have to worry about that with me."

Yoongi chuckled and affectionately said, "Kitten, you can talk to me about anything you want, anytime. I'm all ears, and I'll always be here to listen to you."

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