✨63 ✨

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Yoongi POV

The past month had been a whirlwind of work, music, and fleeting moments as Y/n and I navigated our busy lives. My studio sessions consumed my days, and Y/n, with her company responsibilities and charity endeavors, found solace in her own busy schedule. Yet, amidst the chaos, our love continued to blossom.

With our Korean wedding ceremony just around the corner, the final preparations were in full swing, expertly handled by my diligent BTS brothers. As I delved into my work in the studio, the rhythmic beats resonating around me, a knock on the door interrupted the creative process. Assuming it was one of my bandmates, I brusquely told them to go away, eager to finish my work.

To my surprise, the door swung open, revealing Y/n with an amused smile. Mr. Min Yoongi. Are you telling your wife to go away?" she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Apologizing for the assumption, I welcomed her in, intrigued by her unexpected visit. As she rolled her eyes playfully, I couldn't help but chuckle. "Sorry, Kitten. I thought it was one of the guys," I admitted.

She sat on a rolling chair, and I asked, genuinely curious, "What brings you here?"

Y/n explained, "I finished my work early today, so I thought I'd join you for lunch. But you were busy yelling at me to go away."

With a sheepish grin, I replied, "My bad. Heavy schedule, you know? But hey, let's move everything to our bigger home, including my studio. What do you say?"

Her eyes lit up with enthusiasm, and I playfully nudged her. "But first, let's eat. I'm hungry," she declared.

As we settled on the couch, the laughter and banter between us added a harmonious note to the symphony of our love, creating a moment of connection amidst our busy lives.


As we settled on the couch after our lunch, I found comfort in leaning my head on Yoongi's shoulder. In the midst of our shared moments, I couldn't help but remind him about our plan to shop for our wedding outfits.

"Yoongi, we need to go and buy our wedding outfits. You forgot, didn't you?" I teased, lifting my head to look at him.

He chuckled, running his fingers through my hair. "Right, kitten. We planned to go this evening. I've finished my work for the day. Are you okay with that?" he asked.

I grinned, "More than okay. Finish your work quickly, and we can head out."

Curiosity filled his eyes as he inquired, "By the way, when are your parents coming?"

"Tomorrow," I replied, excitement bubbling within me. "I'm so excited to marry you again," I confessed.

He flashed a playful smile, "I think I'm more excited than you."

Our laughter echoed in the room, and in that light-hearted exchange, the anticipation for our upcoming wedding ceremony filled the air with joy and warmth.

Yoongi POV

After hours engrossed in my work, I finally managed to wrap things up. Glancing over at Y/n, I noticed her peacefully asleep, still clutching the book she had been reading. A tender smile graced my lips as I approached her.

Carefully, I took the book from her hands, setting it aside. Leaning down, I whispered, "Kitten, wake up. We need to go shopping."

She stirred, blinking her eyes open. A drowsy smile crossed her face as she adjusted to the waking world. "Shopping?" she mumbled, her voice still carrying traces of sleep.

I nodded, "Yes, we're picking out our wedding outfits, remember?"

Her eyes widened with realization, and she quickly sat up. "Oh, right! I must have dozed off," she admitted with a sheepish grin.

I chuckled, "You were probably dreaming of our stylish wedding attire. Now, get ready. We've got a shopping adventure waiting for us."

As she stretched and yawned, we prepared to embark on the journey to find the perfect outfits for our upcoming Korean wedding.

Y/n pov

As we reached the boutique, Yoongi and I were filled with excitement, planning to customize our special wedding outfits. After selecting designs and providing our sizes, we decided to indulge in some shopping. Upon returning home, we ordered food since neither of us felt like cooking.

While I arranged the dishes on the table, Yoongi joined me in the dining room after a quick fresh-up. We enjoyed our dinner together, and afterward, I took on the task of washing the dishes. As I was engrossed in the chore, strong arms wrapped around me from behind. I turned to see Yoongi.

"Kitten, do you need help?" he asked.

I assured him that I could manage, and once I finished, we headed to our room. I laid on the bed, and Yoongi, after turning off the room light, joined me. I nestled my head into his arms, feeling the warmth and comfort. Yoongi pulled me closer, and as I wished him good night, he sweetly kissed my nose, bidding me good night. In the tranquil embrace, we drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Yoongi POV

Next day We found ourselves at the airport, welcoming Y/n's parents. Y/n hugged her mom and sister, and I greeted them with a smile, relying on Y/n to translate. Despite the language barrier, their warmth transcended words. Alia, Y/n's sister, looked at me curiously, and through Y/n, I conveyed that we were doing well. Her smile reassured me.

In the car, heading home, I anticipated the days filled with laughter and the joy of family coming together.

Y/n pov

Yoongi and I reached home, and I ushered my parents and Alia to freshen up. Meanwhile, Yoongi went to check on the wedding arrangements. Excitement and a hint of nervousness lingered as we approached the day when our marriage would be live telecast.

my mom, eager to help, joined me, and with a teasing smile, she remarked on my transformation. "You've changed a lot," she observed. Playfully, I replied, "Maybe for the better, Mom."

Curiosity glinted in her eyes as she asked, "How's married life treating you, dear?" With a chuckle, I shared, "Honestly, Mom, it doesn't feel much different. Yoongi and I are still the same goofy couple."

Alia strolled into the room, injecting her signature humor into the conversation. "Sis, you're going to marry him again in front of a massive audience tomorrow. Ready for the spotlight?" she teased. I laughed, "Bring it on. I'd marry Yoongi a thousand times if I had to." Laughter echoed through our home, creating a warm atmosphere filled with love and anticipation.

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