16 ✨

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As Y/N prepared to board her flight at the airport, her initial sadness had evolved into a sense of determination to be by her father's side. Yoongi held her hand tightly, looking into her eyes with a reassuring smile. He spoke softly, "Y/N, please come back as soon as possible. Don't forget, I'll be here waiting for you."

Y/N, touched by his words, leaned in and kissed Yoongi on the forehead before hugging him tightly. She whispered, "I promise, Yoongi. I'll be back as soon as I can. Take care, and thank you for everything."

With a heavy heart, Y/N proceeded to the departure gate, leaving Yoongi behind. As she went through the security checks, she turned for one last look and saw Yoongi, his smile masking the concern that lurked beneath the surface.

Yoongi smile at yn but deep down Yoongi's mind was filled with mixed emotions. He was excited for Y/N to see her father but also worried about how her family would react to their relationship. What if her parents didn't approve of their marriage, or if they convinced her to stay in India or marry someone else? These thoughts weighed heavily on him.

Y/n pov

A week had passed since Y/N arrived in India to be with her father, and her messages with Yoongi had been a source of comfort and reassurance. Y/N's father was now in stable condition, and she had taken on the role of caring for him during his recovery. Y/N father was finally discharged from the hospital three days before she had initially planned to return to Korea.

With her family's health on the mend,
Y/N decided it was time to have a crucial conversation. She sat down with her parents and gathered the courage to reveal her intentions. "Mom, Dad, I've thought long and hard about this. I've decided that I want to settle in Korea, and I have a boyfriend there who's been waiting for me."

Her mother, in shock and disbelief, responded, "What are you saying? We allow you there for work, not for you to settle down in a foreign country. We never allowed you to do this."

Y/N persisted, "Mom, I've found happiness with him, and I've grown comfortable with life in Korea. It's where I want to be."

Her father joined the discussion, expressing his concerns about her relationship with a Korean man and her decision to settle there. A heated argument ensued as they grappled with their daughter's choices.

Amid the tension, Y/N spoke with conviction, "Why, Mom? Don't you want me to be happy? I was genuinely happy with him, and I've come to love Korea. If I leave now and come back to you, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. I can't leave the man who loves me so much."

As the tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, her sister, , approached. She embraced her parents and urged them to understand. "Mom, Dad, Y/N has already done so much for us. She wants to live her own life now. She's happy in Korea, and you can see how much she loves this man. Let her be happy. It's time she lived her life."

Reluctantly, Y/N's parents began to accept her decision and acknowledged her happiness as a priority.

Y/N used her remaining week in India to ensure her family's well-being. She purchased a luxurious home for her parents, a token of her gratitude for their support and a way of ensuring their comfort in her absence.

As Y/N prepared to leave India and returning to Korea, she felt a twinge of guilt for leaving her family behind. However, her sister reassured her. "Y/N, don't worry. I'll take care of Mom and Dad. You go live your life and be happy. We'll always be here for you."

Dream To Be With You ✨ [ Yoongi × Reader ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora