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Yoongi POV

"We all reach home, and Yn was so angry about Alia. I really haven't seen her this much angry before. I try to calm down her, 'Kitten, see, Alia is at the end of her teenage life; it's not a big deal to bunk classes and go out with friends.'"

"She cuts me off, 'Yoongi, it's not that she didn't go to college today; she lied to me.' I asked her yesterday about going to the movie, and she told me she had an important test. Today, she tell ours to go without her but when I see her in a restaurant with a random boy. I checked by calling to confirm if it was her or not. I trusted my sister more than my eyes, but she lied to me again, saying she was in college."

"I was hurt by her behavior. Yn said, 'I see Alia entering the home.' We all sit on the couch; Yn went to Alia and talked in their language. Of course, we don't understand it, but I know Yn was about to scold her any minute. We all get panicked when Yn slaps Alia's face. Alia falls down."

Alia POV

"I know Yn was angry with me for lying to her. She found out my lies; lately, I've been lying to her for more than 7 years. It's not like I don't trust my sister. If I told her the truth, she wouldn't understand. I entered the home, Yn asked me why I skipped college today. I told her I went to meet a friend, not meeting her eyes."

"She asked me about the boy with me. I told her he was just a friend. Without hesitation, she slapped me, and I fell down. She shouted, 'Why? Why are you telling me a bunch of lies? Did you think I didn't know? You love someone.' I was stung. She knew. My eyes were getting teary. She shouted at me, 'What on earth do you think, meeting your boyfriend, skipping college, telling me lies? If mom and dad find out, what will they think? You don't focus on your studies. Your academic marks are at 0 percent.'"

"Do you think with these marks, you can pass out? At least try to behave like a mature girl!" She yelled at me. I couldn't control it anymore. I shouted, 'I know, Yn! I know I'm a complete disappointment for our family.' I wasn't good at studies, not good at anything. I didn't behave like a mature girl. I always trusted people too easily. I didn't follow your words. You always told me to study, not to trust anyone, not to love at school. I didn't listen. That's why now I'm completely broken and standing here. You ask me why I'm lying to you? I went to meet my ex-boyfriend. We broke up 2 days ago. We were in a 7-year relationship. I always lied when you asked me who I was talking to on the phone and why I went after my classes. I was with him last week. I saw him with my best friend. He cheated on me with her. I can't control this betrayal."

"I cried out; Yn hugged me and tried to calm me. I repeatedly told her sorry . She said, 'Alia, see, you are crying over a man who cheated on you? Don't cry.' She said, trying to calm me. She took my hands and led me to the room. She told me to rest and went out."


"I went downstairs; I saw everyone asking what happened. I told them what Alia was dealing with, a breakup. She was feeling insecure about herself. All were feeling worried for her. I went to the kitchen and cooked some dishes that she likes. I took it to her room and gave it to her. She was eating and asked how I knew about her being in a relationship. I told her, 'I'm your sister, Alia, don't forget.' Then she said, 'You are so lucky, sis. You are going to marry your first love. You are good at everything. You have a good job. Our parents are proud of you. But look at me, I'm nothing. I wasted my 7 years for an asshole.' I placed my hand on her cheek and told her, 'See, Alia,

not everyone gets their first love. If you don't get your first love, you are going to be someone's first love.

Who told you that you are good at nothing? You are good at singing, dancing. Everyone loves you. Mom and dad always tell me how you communicate and mix with people so easily. You are in law college; we are proud of you.'"

"I was just stressed; that's why I shouted. Sorry, I tell her. She hugged me and said, 'Why, sis? You are asking me sorry? You are the only one who always tries to protect me. You always trust me, but I hurt you, not by lying.' I told her to take some rest; we'll talk later, and I left the room."

Yoongi POV

The night had woven a tapestry of emotions, and the weight of Alia's struggles cast a somber hue over our shared space. Yn sought refuge on the balcony, and I couldn't let her navigate the complexities alone. Stepping into the cool night air, I found her contemplating beneath the starlit sky.

"Kitten, are you okay?" I inquired, my concern evident. She managed a small smile, a brave front concealing the whirlwind of emotions within.

"It's just a lot to take in, you know? I never expected Alia to keep something like this from me," she confessed, vulnerability threading through her words.

I enveloped her in my arms, a silent pledge of solidarity. "People sometimes hide things to protect those they care about, even if it doesn't seem like it," I offered, fingers tracing comforting circles on her back.

She sighed, leaning into the solace of our shared warmth. "I just want her to be happy, and I thought she trusted me enough to share everything. It feels like she's been living a different life, and I had no clue."

Gently tilting her chin up, I met her eyes, searching for understanding. "You're a great sister, Yn. But people have their own struggles. It doesn't diminish your love or care for her."

Her smile, though soft, held resilience. "Thank you, Yoongi. I guess we all have layers that we keep hidden."

I pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. "And that's okay. We'll navigate through this together."

As the night unfolded around us, the balcony became a haven, a space where our shared strength transcended the uncertainties ahead

Taehyung POV

"I was so shocked hearing that Alia was suffering from a breakup. I feel so sad for her. I couldn't sleep; I came to the balcony to get some air. In the garden, I saw Alia sitting without thinking anything. I went to the garden and sat beside her. I asked her, 'Alia, what are you doing here at this hour? You should be sleeping.' She said, 'No, oppa, I was thinking about my messy life. Why should I trust people so easily?'"

"I hadn't seen her like this. She's the girl who always has a smile on her lips. I wanted to make her smile again. I told Alia, 'See, Alia, I know how you feel, betrayed by your boyfriend and best friend. It hurts, but you should move on. Thinking about what happened won't change anything.'"

"Alia said, 'I know, oppa, but I can't. I really loved him. I thought he should be with me forever.' She started to cry. I put my hands on her shoulder and tried to calm her. I hugged her and said, 'See, Alia, your ex is not worth it. You don't need to think about a man who threw you away for another girl. Maybe you'll meet your true love in the coming years again; you'll fall in love.'"

"Hearing that, she felt some relief. She broke the hug, thanked me, and I told her to go and sleep. Tomorrow you have  college, right? She said, 'Yeah, I'm having Good night she said,' and I told her the same. As she went inside, I turned to return home, and Yoongi Hyung was coming towards me."

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