19 ✨

327 19 1

Yoongi POV

I was deep into my studio session for the new album when my phone incessantly rang. Glancing at it, I saw Yn's call. Knowing she missed me, I answered, but the background was filled with noise and music. I asked her where she was.

"In the same club where you drink last time y/n replied I tell her Wait for me; I'm coming, said and abruptly ended the call. Thoughts swirled in my mind as I considered what she might be doing there. Quickly dismissing any negative assumptions, I convinced myself that she wouldn't do anything wrong. With a sense of urgency, I hurried to the club,

Upon reaching the club, I found Yn heavily drinking, seated in a chair. Wearing an angry expression, I questioned her, what are you doing here? and she retorted with a similar anger, saying,
"What I did, like you did before."

Recognizing her intoxicated state, I guided her out of the club. Yn, fully drunk, ended up vomiting on my shirt. Ignoring the mess, I helped her into the car and decided to take her to my home. In her current condition, she couldn't remember her home password, so we headed straight to my place.

Upon arriving home, I settled Yn on the couch and went to fetch some water for her. As I handed her the glass, she grabbed my hand, questioning if my actions were a mistake. She continued to inquire, "Was it a mistake?"

Kneeling down before her, I sincerely apologized, asking, "When will you forgive me?" Her response was, "I made a mistake. I didn't give you what you wanted, and that's why you did that." Without hesitation, she kissed me on the lips, initiating a tender moment. I guided her to the room, turning on the shower.
We are in bathroom now i tell her love needs understand not physical emotionas i love you kitten because of your character Trust me, I won't make the same mistake again fresh up and come i said and leave the bathroom

I prepared a hangover soup for Yn. After she freshened up and came out wearing my oversized black t-shirt and shorts, she sat beside me. Suddenly, she hugged me, tears streaming down her face. "I miss you," she said. "I miss you a lot," I reassured her.

Yn and I decided to unwind by watching a movie together that night. She laid in my lap, comfortably sharing her experiences in India. As the movie played, I mentioned to her that I had shared stories about her with my BTS members, leading to a lively and laughter-filled conversation.

Yn then decided to sleep in my room while I took the couch. In the morning, she got ready, and I made breakfast for us. During the meal, I suggested to Yn, "What if we started living together?

We could spend more time." Intrigued,
she asked if we'd live in the same home. I smiled and explained my plan to move to a more comfortable place for both of us. Yn grinned, saying, "Really?I nodded, "Yes, really. I want us to create more moments together, not just on weekends."

Excitement danced in her eyes, "That sounds wonderful! Living together would be amazing."

Then We decided to explore new homes together on the weekend, and then, we both headed to work.

Dream To Be With You ✨ [ Yoongi × Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now