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Yoongi POV:

After our return to the rooms, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was bothering Taehyung. "Tae, spill it. What's going on?" I prodded. He shrugged it off, blaming exhaustion, and headed to bed, leaving me slightly puzzled.

The following morning, Yn and I delved into the world of wedding invitations while Jin took command of the kitchen, conjuring up a breakfast feast. Yn finally settled on a simple invitation, and we reconvened for breakfast. It was then that I noticed Alia descending the stairs.

"Hey Alia, how's it going?" I greeted her. She grinned and replied, "Hey oppa, all good. And you're the surprise coming next week?" Yn added, "Yep, he couldn't bear to stay away any longer."

Taehyung joined us at the dining table, but there was a palpable tension between him and Alia. Trying to ease the atmosphere, Yn told Alia to have breakfast quickly as she was getting late for college. Alia bid her goodbyes and left.

I noticed Taehyung and Alia actively avoiding each other's gazes, and it piqued my curiosity. After breakfast, Yn got engrossed in her laptop. I playfully questioned, "Kitten, why work? Take a break." She explained, "No, Yoongi, got to finish before heading back to Korea."

Ever the problem solver, I suggested, "What if I help you? I'm a genius, you know." Jin, amused, interjected, "Yoongi, financial reports are a different universe. Do you even know what those are?" Laughter erupted around the table.

Undeterred, I persisted, "I may not understand every detail, but I can be your moral support. How about that?" Yn, smiling, replied, "Thanks, Yoongi, but I got this. It'll only take an hour, and then we can all go out."

Excitement filled the room at the prospect of an outing. "Where are you taking us, Yn?" Jimin asked eagerly. Yn looked up from her laptop, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "It's a surprise, just like Yoongi's unexpected visit," she teased, leaving us all curious and anticipating the day's adventures.


While engrossed in my work, I couldn't help but notice Yoongi immersed in video games, his childlike joy radiating happiness. Finishing my tasks, I closed my laptop and approached the group.

"Hey, if you're all done playing, we can head out now," I suggested.

Jungkook oppa responded with a nod, "Sure, Yn, just give us 10 minutes." Yoongi added, "Alright, everyone, go get ready. We can continue later."

After dispersing to their rooms, I swiftly readied myself and joined them downstairs. J-Hope oppa was in his own world, listening to music with earphones. A playful tap on his shoulder prompted him to share the music, and we found ourselves on the couch, lost in the rhythm.

Yoongi POV

As we all got ready and descended the stairs, I noticed Yn and J-Hope immersed in listening to songs together. Despite not being one to partake in such activities, an unexplained possessiveness crept over me. I made my way towards Yn, slipping into the seat beside her. She looked at me, and I shot her a stern, possessive gaze.

Curious, she inquired about the others. Following her gaze towards the approaching steps, I asked, "What are they doing?"

Yn explained, "J-Hope is letting me hear his unpublished songs. They're amazing, Yoongi; you should listen too." Her suggestion lingered in the air. "Baby, can we leave now?" I proposed. Yn nodded, and as the group gathered, we headed towards Yn's car.

Curious about our destination, I asked, "Where are we going?"

Yn's response echoed with excitement, "To the movies!" The enthusiastic cheers from everyone filled the air, setting the stage for a joyful outing.

We reached the mall, and Yn went to buy snacks for all of us. Upon entering the theater, I noticed it was empty. Jin questioned Yn about the lack of audience, suspecting the movie might be a flop. Yn chuckled and assured, "No, Oppa, it's a good movie. Guys, take out your hats and masks; you can watch the movie freely without any disturbance."

I couldn't help but give her a questioning look. She made a cute face, explaining, "Yeah, I booked the entire theater for you guys." My gaze turned stern; I knew she wasn't one to spend money like this. I asked her why she did it.

Yn, with a baby-like expression, said, "Yoongi, I want you guys to spend time comfortably. I know you're uncomfortable with wearing face masks, and you're scared of being recognized. I didn't want you to spend time like that, so I arranged this." I couldn't hide my dissatisfaction.

I questioned, "Kitten, why didn't you tell me? I would've paid for it." She reassured me, "Yoongi, it's not that expensive. You shouldn't worry about it." Jungkook interrupted, "Guys, if you're done arguing, please come; the movie is about to start."

Everyone took off their face masks and settled in the balcony row. Yn and I found a corner to sit. As the movie began, it proved to be enjoyable. I watched my BTS brothers having a good time. Yn rested her head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "Baby, do you like it?" I kissed her forehead and replied, "I loved it. Thank you."

Yn pov

After the movie, we all headed to a restaurant, finding a relatively quiet spot. While we enjoyed our meals and engaged in conversation, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. My attention shifted when I noticed a familiar face – Alia, engaged in an animated conversation with a boy, her expressions veering towards frustration.

Concerned, I dialed Alia's number, and she picked up. I questioned her about her location, to which she claimed to be at college. However, the unease in my gut persisted; she was lying to me. Frustration and anger built up as I realized she had deceived her own sister. Abandoning my chair, I approached her.

"Come home soon; we need to talk," I told her firmly, my anger palpable. As a group, we left the restaurant, the tension lingering in the air.

Back at the rooms, the unease persisted, and I couldn't ignore the feeling that something significant was unfolding.

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