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When I came home, I sat on the couch, receiving more calls from my parents. They knew I was dating a Korean man, but they didn't know he was the idol Yoongi. I answered a call from my sister.

Sister: Yn, did you plan all of this? You went to Korea with a purpose?

Y/N: (sarcastically) Oh, absolutely! My life goal was to date Yoongi.

Sister: (laughs) Seriously, though, why didn't you tell me about Yoongi?

Y/N: You never asked, and it's not like I broadcasted it.

Sister: Well, now everyone's calling, and the news channels are on fire. What about Mom and Dad?

Y/N: They're probably shocked. I'll handle it.

As she was talking, Yoongi entered the living room. She informed her sister, "I was calling you later," and hung up the call. Yoongi sat next to her, and she asked him, "Why didn't you tell me you were going to reveal our relationship, Yoongi?" He replied, "If I told you, you'd become nervous, that's why I didn't tell you. Now the whole world knows about our relationship." She hugged him, resting her head on his shoulder, and they spent some time together.

Yoongi wrapped his arm around her, teasingly adding, "Besides, you handled the surprise pretty well, Kitten. Now, everyone knows you're stuck with me."

She playfully elbowed him, "Stuck with you? I wouldn't have it any other way, Yoongi."

He grinned, "That's my girl."

As they shared a moment, he whispered, "And don't worry about what others say. Our love is ours, not for public scrutiny."

She smiled, feeling reassured, "I know, Yoongi. As long as we're together, that's all that matters."

Yoongi POV

I received calls from my family, and when I answered, my dad's voice erupted, "Yoongi, are you out of your mind? Dating an ordinary Indian girl? Why not someone popular, another idol?"

Calmly, I replied, "Dad, it's none of your business. I love her for who she is."

Dad insisted, "Bring her over for dinner. Maybe in person, we'll understand why you've chosen her."

I agreed, knowing it might help. I told
Y/N we were going to visit my parents. She got nervous; being less social, she wasn't sure how to act. I reassured her, "Just be yourself, Kitten. They'll love you." Y/N decided to buy thoughtful gifts for my parents, asking me about their preferences.

Yoongi POV

As we entered the restaurant, I could sense Y/N's nervousness. I introduced her to my parents and older brother, and we all took our seats. My mom warmly welcomed her, and Y/N greeted them with a friendly smile.

Dad couldn't resist asking me again about Y/N's choice, irritating me slightly as I had already informed him. Y/N gracefully handled their questions about her family and job. Dad, concerned about her leaving her cultural roots, asked if it was okay for her to leave everything for me and settle in Korea.

Y/N responded confidently, expressing her trust in our love and her willingness to make such a commitment. The conversation concluded, and she presented a thoughtful gift to my parents. My mom remarked that Y/N seemed reserved, to which I playfully added that I had thought the same before truly getting to know her.

Though my parents didn't fully embrace our relationship, they didn't oppose it either. As we bid them farewell, they left us with the reminder that our future was our own to decide. Exiting the restaurant,

On the way home after dinner, Y/N began to cry in the car, her emotions pouring out..Yoongi gently stopped the car as Y/N's tears flowed. He asked, holding her hands, "What happened, kitten?" Y/N, tearful, confessed, "I'm not the one for you. Your parents didn't accept our relationship."

Yoongi reassured her, "They didn't oppose, Y/N. Look into my eyes. Our love is what matters, not their acceptance. I know there are cultural differences, age gaps, language barriers, but the love we share is the path to our happiness." He pulled her into a comforting hug, adding, "Let's face it together, no matter what obstacles come our way."

Y/N, wiping away her tears, nodded, "You're right, Yoongi. Our love is real, and that's what we should focus on."

Yoongi smiled, "Exactly. No matter what challenges come our way, we'll face them together. Our journey is ours to create."

Dream To Be With You ✨ [ Yoongi × Reader ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang