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Yoongi POV

The plane soared through the night sky, and I found myself gazing out of the window, captivated by the city lights below. We were en route to India, a journey that held the weight of meeting Y/N's parents for the first time. The nervous anticipation lingered within me.

Turning my attention to Y/N, who was peacefully asleep beside me, I couldn't help but smile. She looked like an angel in the dim plane cabin, the soft glow accentuating her serene features. I marveled at her innocence and the warmth she brought to my life.

As I continued to watch her, my mind raced with thoughts of the impending meeting with her parents. The unknown always carried a sense of nervousness, but for Y/N, I was willing to face anything. I pondered the uncertainties while stealing glances at her, hoping for the strength to make this significant step in our relationship.

The moment Y/N stirred and opened her eyes, I greeted her with a gentle smile.

Yoongi: (softly) Hey, sleepyhead. How was your nap?

Y/N: (stretching) Not bad. How much longer until we land?

Yoongi: A few more hours. (pausing) Are you nervous about your parents' reaction?

Y/N: (smirking) A little. But knowing you're by my side makes it easier.

Yoongi: (taking her hand) I'll be right there with you. We'll face it together.

Our fingers intertwined, forming an unspoken bond of support and reassurance. The plane continued its journey,


As we landed in India, the airport greeted us with a burst of energy. Excitement and nervousness twisted in my stomach. I glanced at Yoongi, who seemed to take in the vibrant surroundings with awe.

Once off the plane, my thoughts swirled. I hadn't shared all the details about my family with Yoongi, and as we navigated through the airport, I couldn't help but wonder about his reaction.

Just then, Yoongi's voice broke through my thoughts.

Yoongi: (smirking) What's on your mind, kitten?

I hesitated but decided to be honest, "I'm a bit nervous, but also happy. I can't wait for you to meet my family."

His comforting smile eased my nerves. "We'll do great. Any special places you want to take me?"

I nodded, "Definitely. And I have a surprise planned too."

As we approached the exit, we both adjusted our face masks and hats to avoid drawing attention from any fans of Yoongi. Spotting my sister waiting for us, I waved, and we made our way over.
Introducing her to Yoongi, we exchanged smiles before heading to the car.

As we drove home, my sister's animated conversation filled the air. Yoongi leaned in, whispering in my ear, "Why didn't you tell me your sister was so talkative?"

I chuckled, "Well, Yoongi, she's not the only one. My whole family is extroverted, except me."

He raised an eyebrow, "Interesting. I guess I'll need to prepare myself for some lively family gatherings."

I nodded, "Get ready for a lot of noise and laughter."

Yoongi POV

Walking into Y/N's house, her sister spoke English, which was easy for me to understand. But the thought of communicating with Y/N's parents in their language worried me. Y/N seemed a mix of nervous and happy.

As we entered, Y/N hugged her mom, and they started talking in their language. Even though I couldn't understand, their smiles and warmth were clear. Language didn't seem to matter in that moment.

Soon, Y/N's mom turned to me, and Y/N translated her questions. She asked how I was and offered tea or coffee. I replied through Y/N, saying I was fine with anything.

With a smile, Y/N's mom suggested we freshen up. With a smile, I followed Y/N to the room . Hugging her, I asked, "So, this is the dream home you told me about on our first date?"

"Yeah," she replied, her eyes reflecting a mix of nostalgia and sentiment. "I bought it for my parents, but they preferred their old place. Mom and my sister are here arranging things for us. We're planning to visit my dad's house in the evening to meet him and my relatives."

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