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Y/n's POV

It was a weekend, Yoongi and I were exploring homes. We got attracted to a particular spacious home with 3 to 4 rooms. After finalizing our choice,

Yoongi and I decided to celebrate by going to his restaurant. The atmosphere was light, and we were eager to share our excitement about the new home.

Yoongi, with a smirk, said, "So, what do you think of our potential love nest?"

I chuckled, "It's perfect, just like you said. Spacious, cozy, and I can already imagine us bickering over who gets the bigger room."

Yoongi grinned, "Well, I might need more space for all my 'Agust D' swag."

I playfully nudged him, "Your 'swag' won't take up that much space, but I might need a whole closet for my clothes."

Our playful banter continued, filled with laughter and light-hearted teasing.

As we exited the restaurant and made our way home, Yoongi and I decided to continue the playful tradition of establishing rules, this time focusing on our future dwelling.

Yoongi, with a playful glint in his eyes, proposed, "House rules, kitten. Rule number one: Always take your shoes off at the entrance. We want a clean home, right?"

I grinned, "Absolutely. Rule number two: No 'Agust D' concerts in the shower. Our neighbors might not appreciate the impromptu performances."

Yoongi chuckled, "Fair point. Rule number three: No peeking into each other's surprise hiding spots. Gotta keep the mystery alive."

I nodded, "Agreed. Rule number four: Sunday mornings are reserved for lazy breakfasts and cuddles. No work allowed."

Yoongi nodded, And for rule number five: No secrets, only surprises. Let's keep the joy alive."

Our house rule-making continued, each guideline adding a touch of charm and understanding to the future home we were envisioning. The car ride turned into a lively discussion, laying the foundation for the shared space where our love would blossom.

As we were moving our stuff into our new home, Yoongi and I found ourselves playfully arguing about who gets the soundproof room. Both of us cherish our peace and quiet, but there was only one soundproof room in this house. I asked Yoongi to let me have it, but he insisted that he wanted the room too. Just when it seemed like we were at an impasse,

Y/n: Seriously, Yoongi, I need that soundproof room. I can't have distractions while working.

Yoongi: kitten, I get it, but I need it too. My music requires complete silence.

Yn: We're both too stubborn. What do we do now?

Yoongi: kitten, we both want the soundproof room. How about we turn it into a compromise room?

Yn: A compromise room? How does that work?

Yoongi: Half of the room could be my creative space, and the other half could be your quiet zone. We can divide it with a stylish curtain.

Yn: A curtain? Isn't that a bit... unconventional?

Yoongi: Think of it as a creative boundary. We get the best of both worlds without compromising too much.

Yn: Hmm, a compromise room with a curtain. I guess that could work. But what if I need complete silence?

Yoongi: We can have scheduled silent hours. During that time, I'll use my headphones, and you can have your serene space.

Yn: Scheduled silent hours? Well, that's something. Alright, compromise room it is

Yoongi: Perfect. We can decorate it together, find a balance between my musical chaos and your work space.

Yn: Alright, compromise room it is. But if I catch you blasting 'Agust D' during my silent hours, curtain or not, there will be consequences.

Yoongi: Deal. And if I find you playing K-dramas while I'm in my music zone, you'll face the consequences too.

We both laughed, realizing that compromising on the room wasn't just a solution; it was a playful way to blend our individual spaces into a harmonious haven. Our home was becoming a reflection of our love, where compromise wasn't a sacrifice but a creative collaboration.

Dream To Be With You ✨ [ Yoongi × Reader ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin