21 ✨

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On one particular weekend, Y/N found herself engrossed in a captivating Korean drama at home. The peaceful atmosphere was suddenly disrupted by the doorbell's ring.

As Y/N opened the door to see Yoongi's smiling face, she couldn't help but wonder why he had that mischievous glint in his eyes. Before she could say anything, Yoongi motioned to the six individuals standing behind him.

"Surprise! I brought some friends over," he announced with a playful smirk.

Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief as she saw the members of BTS standing right outside her doorstep. She stammered, "Wait, what? Is this for real?"

Jin stepped forward, bowing slightly, "Hello, Y/N. We hope we're not intruding. Yoongi here didn't give you a heads up, did he?"

Yoongi chuckled, "I wanted it to be a surprise. Hope you don't mind."

Mind? Y/N was practically floating on cloud nine. She managed to find her words, "Mind? Are you kidding? This is incredible! I can't believe BTS is in my living room!"

Jimin, with his infectious smile, chimed in, "Well, here we are. Nice to meet you, Y/N!"

Unable to contain her excitement, Y/N blurted out, "Nice to meet you too! I've been a fan for years, and now I'm standing here with all of you."

J-Hope, always full of energy, exclaimed, "That's the spirit! We're here to make your day!"

As they settled into the living room, the initial shock gave way to laughter and casual conversation. Y/N found herself exchanging jokes with BTS, her favorite idols turned unexpected guests.

V, with his playful demeanor, teased Yoongi, "So, this is the famous girlfriend you've been keeping a secret? You've been holding out on us, Suga!"

Yoongi defended himself, "I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, especially Y/N. But here we are."

Namjoon, the group's leader, added, "It's great to finally meet the mysterious Y/N. Yoongi talks about you a lot."

Y/N blushed, feeling a mix of flattery and nervousness. "I hope it's all good things."

Jungkook, the youngest member, joined in, "Of course! We've heard so much about you. Like how you're a fan of ours and how you and Yoongi make a great couple."

Y/N glanced at Yoongi, who was grinning from ear to ear. "Looks like someone's been talking."

The surprise meeting with BTS turned into a fun-filled evening. They all gathered around for a delicious dinner prepared by Jin, sharing laughs and stories. Afterward, they relaxed with a movie, making comments and enjoying each other's company. Jungkook suggested playing games, and soon,

the room was filled with laughter as they played various games. Y/N found herself connecting with Jin and Jungkook, forming a friendly rivalry. The initial surprise turned into a memorable night, leaving Y/N feeling closer to each BTS member. As they said their goodbyes, Y/N couldn't believe how a regular evening had turned into an extraordinary memory with unexpected friends.

Y/n pov

The night with BTS was like a dream. After they left, Yoongi hugged me, asking how it went. Turning to him, I hugged back, feeling like I was living a dream.

Yoongi said, "Kitten, I make  all your dreams come true ." His words hung in the air, promising something magical. Then, he kissed me softly, and I responded with a passionate embrace.

In that moment, as Yoongi's lips met mine, the world outside seemed to disappear. His kiss was a mixture of reassurance and warmth, a silent promise that lingered in the air like a sweet melody.

Breaking the kiss,

Yoongi, with a soft smile, said, "You know, they really liked you. I could see it."

I chuckled, "Well, I'm officially the luckiest fan ever."

He gently brushed a strand of hair from my face, "No, you're the luckiest person because you're mine."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, a delightful realization of the depth of our connection. We walked back into the living room, still buzzing with the energy from the night.

As we settled onto the couch, Yoongi held my hand, his thumb tracing circles on my palm. The events of the night replayed in my mind like scenes from a movie, each moment etching itself into my memory.

Yoongi leaned in, resting his head against mine, and said, "This won't be the last surprise, you know. There are more magical moments waiting for us."

I looked up at him, a mixture of curiosity and excitement in my eyes. "What do you have in mind?"

He grinned, "Ah, that's a secret. But I promise, each surprise will be as special as you are to me."

Dream To Be With You ✨ [ Yoongi × Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now