35 ✨

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It was morning, and as I woke up, I found myself unable to move. Confused, I realized that someone was hugging me tightly with their head on my chest. To my surprise, it was Yoongi. I wondered how he ended up here, then the memories flooded back.

[Flash back]

We reached home after dinner, freshened up, and chatted for a while. Today was special, so I suggested to Yoongi that we celebrate, realizing we hadn't celebrated our first anniversary. We decided to have some drinks, Ordering cakes, ice creams, and an assortment of snacks, we indulged in a feast fit for a celebration. Yoongi, usually strict about avoiding nighttime snacks, made an exception for the occasion. "Tonight, we celebrate," he declared with a grin.

Choosing a movie and settling in, we enjoyed our treats while sharing laughter and stolen glances. The soft glow of the screen painted our faces as the movie unfolded, creating a backdrop for the evening's shared delight.

After the movie, feeling a pleasant drowsiness settling in, I turned to Yoongi and said, "I'm going to sleep now."

His eyes held a gentle warmth as he replied, "Goodnight, love."

Current movement

as I checked my clothes, I considered the possibility of having drunk and slep with him, but thankfully, that wasn't the case. I tried to wake him up using my usual method of biting his hand, but when that didn't work, I opted for a new approach. Since he was hugging me tightly, I bit his neck, attempting to reach him. He woke up suddenly, smiling at me. I questioned him in a cold tone, "Mr. Min Yoongi, what the heck are you doing in my room?"

Instead of an answer, Yoongi hugged me again and mentioned it was a new place. I reminded him that he was used to sleeping in new places due to his concert travels. He responded with a baby face, stating, "Well, this place feels different."

Concerned about our privacy, I asked why he was holding me in the morning. Yoongi, with a charming smile, corrected me, saying, "It's not 'holding, baby it's cuddling."

Playfully teasing him about my parents unexpectedly walking in, I said, "What if my parents show up suddenly and see us like this?" Yoongi, ever confident, replied, "Well, they already know we're getting married; no need to worry." He added with a mischievous grin, "Maybe they'll learn some cuddling tips."

Leaving me with a teasing smile, Yoongi urged, "Now, continue," creating a playful and romantic atmosphere in the room.

Yoongi POV

After our conversation, Yn went to take a bath while I headed to another room to freshen up. When I descended the stairs, I found Yn arranging the food she had ordered on the dining table. Joining her, we sat down for breakfast. Curious about her plans for the day, I inquired, and she mentioned introducing me to her best friend and exploring some places.

Wondering if her sister would join us, I asked. Yn explained that her sister had college but would meet us later. She playfully observed a hint of possessiveness in her eyes and teased her about being possessive about me talking to her sister. She rolled her eyes and insisted it wasn't possessiveness, just a casual inquiry about their comfort level in talking.

Dream To Be With You ✨ [ Yoongi × Reader ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora