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Amidst the turmoil of the rumor news and Y/N's evident distress over the idol's behavior, I decided to take her to Jeju Island. Her irritation was growing, and though she didn't express her feelings directly, I sensed her inner turmoil. Jeju Island seemed like the perfect escape.

Yoongi: Hey, Kitten, I thought a change of scenery might help, so here we are on Jiju Island.

Y/N: (smiles) It's beautiful, Yoongi. Thank you for bringing me here.

Yoongi: Anything for you. Sometimes, a break from everything can do wonders. What do you feel like doing first?

Y/N: (looking around) Let's explore the island, see what hidden gems it has.

Yoongi: Great idea. We'll make some unforgettable memories here.

As they explored the picturesque landscapes, Yoongi couldn't help but notice the tension easing from Y/N's shoulders.

Yoongi: Feeling a bit better?

Y/N: (nods) Yeah, being here with you helps. It's like a breath of fresh air.

Yoongi: That's what I wanted. No room for stress or rumors here. Just us.

After a day of exploring, they found a quiet spot by the beach.

Yoongi: (setting up a blanket) How about a little picnic by the sea?

Y/N: (smiling) That sounds perfect.

Yoongi: (handing her a sandwich) You know, I've been wanting to bring you here for a while. Just us, away from everything.

Y/N: (taking a bite) It's wonderful, Yoongi. Thank you for understanding.

Yoongi: Always, Kitten. This is our escape, our little haven.

As the sun began to set, they sat on the beach, watching the waves.

Yoongi: (softly) You've been quiet, love. Anything on your mind?

Y/N: (sighs) It's just... the whole rumor thing got to me more than I let on.

Yoongi: (wrapping an arm around her) You don't have to hide your feelings, Y/N. We're in this together.

Y/N: I know. And being here with you, it's helping me let go of that stress.

Yoongi: Good. Let's focus on the now, on us. Nothing else matters.

After seeing all the cool places in Jeju, Y/N and Yoongi decided to stay in a nice hotel for the night. They wanted to relax and enjoy the beauty of the island a bit more.

The hotel room had a comfy vibe with a big bed and soft lighting. Tonight was special for Y/N and Yoongi as it was their first time sleeping together in a hotel. At Y/N's home, they usually had separate bedrooms, but this time, Yoongi forgot and booked just one room. Y/N, being understanding, told him it was okay to share.

As Y/N settled on the bed, engrossed in her mobile, a door opening sound caught her attention. It wasn't the entrance door; it was the bathroom door, signaling Yoongi's return from a bath.

Dream To Be With You ✨ [ Yoongi × Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now