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As I arrived home late from work, I found Yoongi sleeping on the couch, patiently waiting for me. I gently kissed his cheek, intending not to disturb his sleep, but he woke up and held my hands, questioning why I was so late.
I explained the work situation, and he asked if I had dinner. I shook my head.

Yoongi guided me to the kitchen, making me sit at the dining table. He served a plate of his delicious cooking. Smiling, he said, "I made your favorite." As I enjoyed the meal, a stray piece of food ended up on my face.

Yoongi chuckled, "You've got a little something there." He grabbed a tissue paper, cleaning my face gently. Our eyes met, and in that moment,

Yoongi: (smiling) "You know, even in a busy day, coming home to you makes it all worthwhile."

Y/N: (blushing) "Well, your cooking makes it even better. It's like a little piece of comfort."

Yoongi: (teasing) "Just a little? I thought I was the best chef in your world."

Y/N: (playful) "Okay, fine, you're the best chef. Happy now?"

Yoongi: (leaning closer) "Very happy. And you're the best thing that ever happened to me."

Y/N: (softly) "You always know how to make me feel special."

Y/N: "Maybe I should come home late more often for these moments."

Yoongi: "Or maybe I should work less and enjoy more time with you."

Laughter echoed, and the scent of love filled the room,

After dinner, while Yoongi sits on the couch, he turns to Y/N and asks about her plans for the upcoming Sunday. Y/N, in a relaxed state, lounges on Yoongi's lap, sharing her usual routine of going to the charity office on weekends.

Yoongi suggests, "Why not take a break tomorrow? I can pull some strings and get you a day off."

Y/N playfully replies, "Oh, my dear boyfriend, leaves are supposed to be given by my boss."

Yoongi chuckles and says, "Well, lucky for you, your boyfriend is also your boss."

Y/N teases, "Yeah, fine, I accept my fate," and they both share a laugh

Yoongi, still smiling, responds, "You know, being your boss has its perks. Maybe I'll even consider giving you a raise."

Y/N laughs, "A raise? I'll take it, boss. But only if you promise to take a break with me tomorrow."

Yoongi nods, "Deal. A day off it is. We can do whatever you want."

Y/N, now fully content, says, "Hmm, maybe a lazy day in, just the two of us."

Yoongi wraps his arms around her, "Sounds perfect, my love.

As Yoongi continues talking, Y/N gradually falls asleep on his lap. Later, Yoongi carries her to their room, placing her gently on the bed, he kisses her lips and whispers, "Goodnight," before leaving the room.

Y/n pov

In the morning, I woke up, recalling the sweet conversation with Yoongi from the night before. As I found myself on the bed, I decided to get up and freshen up.

As I made my way to the living room, I noticed Yoongi wasn't there. I checked his room, the kitchen, and then, i  headed to our soundproof room.

I discovered him, engrossed in his work, surrounded by his music equipment, busy with his computer.

I gently back-hugged him, planting a morning kiss on his cheek. "Good morning, my musical genius."

Yoongi turned his head, a smile forming. "Morning, Kitten. Sleep well?"

I nodded, "Yeah, like a baby. But what about you? You barely slept."

Yoongi He chuckled, "Got caught up with an idea for a new track. Couldn't resist."

Taking a seat next to him, I playfully asked, "Didn't you say yesterday you were taking a break from the music world? What happened to that plan?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, "Well, morning inspiration struck, and I couldn't ignore it. Can't resist the call of creativity, you know?"

I teased back with a baby face, "But you promised to take a break. What am I going to do with you?"

He leaned in, pecking my lips, "Make sure I take breaks, maybe?" We both chuckled.

Yoongi POV

After our conversation, Y/N and I headed to the kitchen. Y/N took charge and made breakfast, and we enjoyed the meal together. As we ended up in the living room, I suggested to Y/N that we could go out if she wanted, but she expressed the desire to relax today.

She grinned, "I'm in the mood for a chill day. How about we watch some horror movies?"

I chuckled, "Horror it is! Are you sure you won't get scared?"

Y/N winked, "I can handle it. Besides, I have you to protect me, right?"

We spent the day immersed in horror movies, sharing laughs, and enjoying each other's company.

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