fourteen → resented reunion

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as the figure emerged from the crowd, evelyn's initial shock was evident in the widening of her eyes and the subtle furrow of her brow. confusion clouded her features as she tried to reconcile the unexpected presence with the surroundings of the club.

then, recognition set in.

it was sam.

the person she least expected. evelyn's emotions were a whirlwind — a blend of shock, confusion, and a hint of something deeper. the unannounced arrival of sam disrupted the bubble of the night, and the past rushed forward to meet the present.

the crowded dance floor faded into the background as evelyn and sam faced each other after separation. it was a collision of two worlds that had drifted apart, converging unexpectedly in the midst of the club's walls.

yet, beneath the surface of surprise, a myriad of emotions simmered. resentment lingered in the air like an unspoken echo of past grievances. unresolved feelings danced in the shadows, waiting to be acknowledged.

as sam's eyes met evelyn's, a flicker of annoyance crossed her normally joyous demeanour. what was once a look of neutrality quickly transformed into a subtle expression of disgust. the history between them, etched with pain and misunderstandings, fueled sam's annoyance at the sight of evelyn.

their first encounter in this unexpected reunion was charged not only with the weight of unresolved emotions but also with the evident tension of annoyance that hung in the air. the dance floor, once a space of liberation, now became a battleground for unspoken sentiments and a clash of conflicting emotions.

caitlin and alanna exchanged concerned glances as sam's introduction to evelyn took an unexpected turn.

alanna nudged caitlin, whispering, "we might need to do some damage control here."

caitlin sighed, then approached sam, "hey, sam, maybe ease up a bit?"

sam scoffed, her irritation evident, repeated, "why is she here?"

alanna joined in, "look, we're all just here to enjoy the night. can we at least try to keep things civil?"

sam crossed her arms, defensive, "civil? after what she did? you're asking too much."

caitlin attempted a more empathetic approach, "we get it's hard, but it's not just about you. we're a team, and this tension isn't helping anyone."

sam shot back, "she's not part of this team, and nor should she be."

alanna chimed in, "but she's our guest tonight. let's not ruin the party with unnecessary drama."

sam's eyes flashed with anger, "i don't care. she shouldn't even be here. it's a joke."

as the group returned to the festivities, the unresolved tension lingered, leaving an uneasy atmosphere in its wake. sam's hostility towards evelyn's presence with the team remained palpable, casting a shadow over the night's celebration.

feeling the tension escalating, evelyn decided to take the initiative. "i didn't mean to cause any trouble. i can leave."

sam's eyes narrowed, "you shouldn't have come in the first place."

alanna interjected, "come on, sam, it's just for one night. let's not make this a big deal."

evelyn nodded, "i don't want to ruin anyone's night. if it's better for everyone, i'll go."

sam crossed her arms, a smug satisfaction on her face, "good. it's for the best."

the blonde, however, disagreed, "hold on a second. i drove her here. she's not leaving until i say so."

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