thirty two → a realised admiration

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as the first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, evelyn stirred awake. her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the soft glow of the room. in her attempt to silence the persistent alarm on her phone, she moved with practised efficiency, not wanting to disturb the stillness of the early hours.

just as she succeeded in turning off the alarm, a sleepy murmur emerged from the other side of the bed. sam, caught in the realm between dreams and wakefulness, instinctively rolled back towards evelyn. in the subtleness of slumber, she pulled the girl into another cosy embrace, wrapping her arms around her in a gesture that spoke of warmth and comfort.

the embrace was relaxed, the drowsy atmosphere of the morning making it even more tempting to stay in the comfort of the bed. she didn't want to leave the sleepy embrace of sam, the cold morning not making it any more enticing to get up.

however, evelyn, with a gentle sigh, realised that duty called. she needed to get up, to face the demands of the day, even as the allure of sleep tempted her to stay.

"sammy," she whispered, trying not to disturb the peace of the moment, "i need to get up for work."

sam, still nestled in the embrace of sleep, mumbled a faint protest, tightening her grip around evelyn as if reluctant to let go. the room, now bathed in the soft morning light, seemed to hold its breath as if honouring the serenity of the scene on the bed.

the singer chuckled softly, appreciating the warmth of the moment. "come on, sleepyhead.

with a gentle resolve, evelyn slipped out of the warm embrace, careful not to disturb sam's peaceful half-slumber. as she gathered her belongings and got ready for the day, the other, now more conscious of her surroundings, gradually awakened from her sleep.

"ev," sam murmured, her voice thick with drowsiness, "stay a bit longer, please. i don't want you to rush off."

the singer, feeling the tug of her sincere request, turned to face her friend. "i wish i could, sam, but i've got work. i promise i'll come back after the band finishes for the day. we can spend more time together then."

the footballer, still half-dreaming and reluctant to let her go, reached out, wrapping evelyn in another sleepy embrace. "you better promise, harper," she mumbled, her voice a mixture of playfulness and longing.

evelyn smiled, her heart warmed by the girl's actions. "i promise sammy. now, get some more sleep. i'll see you later."

as she made her way to the door, sam hesitantly released her hold. however, even as evelyn prepared to leave, the striker seemed unwilling to part entirely. she followed evelyn to the door, and before she could say anything, she pulled her back into an embrace.

"please, not yet," sam said, her tone a mix of anticipation and affection.

evelyn chuckled, feeling the undeniable pull of sam's presence. "i'll be back, promise. until then, get some more rest, sam."

still half in the realm of dreams, the girl let out a contented sigh. with a final, reluctant release, evelyn released herself from the hug, leaving sam to return to her bed, and hopefully, back to her slumber.

as the singer prepared for the day ahead, the memory of that early morning embrace lingered—and she truly felt guilty for leaving so early, but she already warned her. the sun outside, now transitioning from dawn to day, seemed to celebrate the beauty of these fleeting moments, encapsulating the essence of a renewed connection that continued to unfold in the gentle embrace of morning light.

as evelyn re-entered the studio, maxine, ever the observant and playful spirit, immediately noticed the change in her friend's attire. the oversized clothes that evelyn now sported were a far cry from her usual rockstar chic in the studio.

solitude → sam kerrWhere stories live. Discover now