thirty four → just admit it

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the week in chicago passed swiftly, the duo enjoying each other's company for the limited time, hesitant to say their farewells.

evelyn smiled, a mixture of gratitude and fondness in her eyes. "thanks for letting me crash here for the week. it's been amazing catching up."

sam returned the smile, a genuine warmth in her expression. "anytime, ev. it's been great having you around. feels like old times."

the singer knew she had commitments to fulfil, with the band's album release just around the corner. the nwsl season was gearing up for its start, and the professional footballer had her own set of responsibilities to embrace.

"i guess it's time for me to head back to la," evelyn said, a hint of reluctance in her voice. "but hey, we promised to keep in touch, right?"

sam nodded, her eyes reflecting a sincerity that echoed the girl's sentiments. "absolutely. and, if our paths cross before the album release, i'll be sure to let you know. a quick catch-up will be long overdue."

evelyn's smile widened, appreciating the commitment the other was making. "that sounds like a plan. i'll be in touch about the album release too. you better be ready for some front-row seats at one of our shows."

the footballer chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "front row, centre stage. wouldn't miss it for the world."

the air between them held a bittersweet energy, the awareness of physical distance mingling with the promise of a further connection. with a final embrace, evelyn and sam exchanged goodbyes, each carrying the assurance of a strong friendship once again.

"i'm really going to miss this," evelyn admitted.

sam mirrored the sentiment, her voice gentle. "me too, ev. it's been a special week."

as the night breeze played with their hair, the singer mustered the courage to voice a sentiment that had been sitting on the edge of her thoughts. "you know, sam, i wish we didn't have to say goodbye. not now, not ever."

the footballer's eyes met evelyn's, and in that moment, the unspoken words hung heavy between them.

"i feel the same way," sam admitted, a vulnerable honesty in her voice. "but life has its own plans, doesn't it?"

evelyn nodded, the weight of the unspoken hanging in the air. "yeah, it does."

as the time to part ways neared, evelyn and sam exchanged a lingering gaze, each silently promising to carry the shared moments with them. with a final embrace, they separated, and the girl headed off to the airport.


the lights hummed softly overhead as evelyn manoeuvred her shopping cart through the aisles of the supermarket. the grocery list in her hand served as a guide, but her mind wandered, lost in the mundanity of the task. as she reached for a bunch of bananas, a familiar voice broke through the monotony.

"ev?," alanna said with a playful grin, her australian accent carrying a note of amusement.

evelyn looked up, a surprised smile spreading across her face. "lani!? you're kidding. what are the odds of running into you again in a grocery store?"

the blonde chuckled, her eyes sparkling. "i know, right? it's becoming a tradition. maybe we're destined to have our catch-ups in the fresh produce aisle."

they both shared a laugh, the sense of deja vu not lost on either of them. alanna, who played for the orlando pride in the nwsl, was in the state for an away game, and the chance of their encounter brought a sense of warmth to the ordinary task.

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