thirty six → battleground of feelings

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evelyn sat alone in her dimly lit apartment, the shadows playing on the walls echoing the rough storm within her. the events of the past few days replayed in her mind like a haunting melody, each note resonating with disappointment and heartache.

after years of self-discovery and reflection, evelyn finally acknowledged the depth of her feelings for sam. it was a realisation that had taken time, a journey of understanding her own heart and confronting emotions she had kept at bay. the vulnerability of those feelings laid bare in that coffee shop, only to be met with an unexpected intrusion that shattered the fragile framework she had built.

the image of sam and nikki's shared kiss remained in her mind like a haunting refrain. it wasn't just a mere peck on the cheek; it was a crash of the past and present, a visual representation of sam's comfort with a familiar yet complicated individual. the disappointment gnawed at evelyn's core, leaving her feeling exposed and betrayed.

the ache in her chest was noticeable, each heartbeat resonating with the echoes of shattered expectations. she had hoped that the susceptibility she had shared with sam in that cafe would lead to a deeper understanding, a chance to express her true feelings and a chance to take it further. instead, she witnessed a scene that felt like a cruel twist of fate, a reminder that the past held a grip on sam that evelyn couldn't easily loosen.

the unanswered questions clawed at the singer. was alanna wrong about sam feeling the same way? or was their connection merely a fragment of evelyn's longing, a one-sided mixture of emotions?

she had distanced herself from the football world, unable to escape the suffocating weight of disappointment. the phone on her table buzzed repeatedly, each call and message a plea from sam to close the growing distance between them. the vibrant notifications on her screen seemed inconsistent with the gloominess in her heart.

with a heavy sigh, the singer picked up her phone, contemplating whether to answer the calls or surrender to the silence. she hesitated, her thumb hovering over the screen, caught between the desire for closure and the fear of further heartbreak.

the ache intensified as memories flooded her thoughts – the shared laughter, the late-night conversations, and the unspoken glances that had once held promises of something more. but now, those promises felt like wisps of smoke slipping through her fingers, leaving behind an acidic taste of betrayal.

as she scrolled through the missed calls and messages, evelyn felt a storm of emotions raging within her. the disappointment wasn't just about a missed opportunity for romance; it was a realisation that the person she had unmasked herself to was entangled in a web of history that the girl couldn't untangle.

a surge of anger mixed with sadness coursed through her veins. why did sam allow nikki to disrupt a moment that held the potential to redefine their relationship? why did evelyn have to witness a kiss that seemed to erase the exposure they had shared just moments before?

the kiss shattered that hope.

as the missed calls and unread messages continued to accumulate on her phone, evelyn wrestled with conflicting emotions. anger simmered beneath the surface, not just towards sam but directed inward as well. why had she allowed herself to be vulnerable? why had she taken the risk of admitting her feelings, only to witness sam's apparent disregard for them?

the pain of disappointment was a bitter pill to swallow. evelyn's fingers hovered over the phone, contemplating whether to answer sam's calls or retreat further into the cocoon of solitude. she decided to listen to her voicemails at least, which were recorded far and few in between each call.

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