twenty nine → always two sides

359 22 4

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evelyn hadn't heard from sam in a few days. she was growing increasingly concerned about the striker's uncharacteristic silence, deciding to reach out to a few mutual friends. she opened the group chat with lani, macca, and caitlin, typing a message that reflected the worry she has been feeling the last couple of days.

hey babes
has anyone heard from sam lately?
i tried calling and she's not responding
is she staying with any of you while she's in aus?
i'm getting worried

the group chat buzzed with confusion, and one by one, lani, macca, and caitlin chimed in with their responses.

sam's not there ev
where did you get that from?

yeah, i haven't heard from sam either
why would she be here in australia??
she just got back from perth over chrissy

i was on the phone with her yesterday
she's still in new york
what's going on?

evelyn's heart sank as she read their messages. confusion and concern mingled, and she quickly clarified the source of her misunderstanding.

i thought she mentioned going back to aus for a while to clear her head or wtv
she's not responding to my calls or texts
i've contacted both her numbers and nothing??

the group chat fell silent for a moment, a digital concern evident that saturated the conversation.

i'll try reaching out to her and see if she responds
maybe something else is going on

evelyn, feeling a sense of helplessness, was relieved with caitlin's suggestion.

let us know if you hear anything

fingers crossed she's ok

as the group chat conversation continued, evelyn couldn't shake the worry that cast a pall over her thoughts. the silence from sam, coupled with the confusion among their friends, created an ominous atmosphere, leaving the girl yearning for answers and hoping for a swift resolution to the mystery surrounding sam's current situation.

the next morning, a distraction for evelyn, the studio session buzzed with creative energy as zenith delved into the process of recording and experimenting with new sounds. however, amidst the music and connection, an underlying discord manifested itself in evelyn's distant demeanour.

as the band played, maxine couldn't help but notice the absence of her usual vivacity. concern etched across her face, she decided to address the issue during a break.

"ev, you've been miles away this whole time. what's going on?"

the singer, faking nonchalance, replied, "nothing, max. just got a lot on my mind, that's all."

maxine, not one to be easily deceived, raised an eyebrow. "don't give me that. i've known you for too long. something's eating at you, and i want to know what it is."

the girl sighed, knowing the drummer wouldn't let it go easily. "it's just some personal stuff, max. i'll deal with it."

the redhead, adopting a stern expression, leaned in and said, "personal stuff? we're a band, ev. we're like family. if there's something going on, we should know about it. and don't think i haven't noticed this whole thing with sam."

solitude → sam kerrWhere stories live. Discover now