twenty four → unfulfilled progress

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evelyn arrived at sam's place, anxiety pulsating through her veins. standing outside the door, she hesitated, taking a moment to steady herself before finally mustering the courage to knock. footsteps approached from inside, the anticipation building. when sam opened the door with a tight smile, evelyn felt a mix of relief and apprehension. the footballer gestured for her to enter, and she stepped inside cautiously, very much aware of the tension lingering in the air. uncertain of what awaited them in this conversation, evelyn prepared herself for a challenging yet necessary confrontation.

"come in, i guess," sam muttered, her gaze avoiding evelyn's.

the girl stepped inside, her eyes scanning the room. it was neat and orderly, a contrast to the chaotic emotions swirling in the air. the atmosphere held an awkward tension, the space feeling confined with unspoken words, and avoidance of each other's eyes.

"thanks for agreeing to meet," evelyn said, her voice soft, almost uncertain and wary.

"yeah, well, mum can be persuasive," sam replied, a hint of bitterness underlying her words.

the two women settled on opposite ends of the couch, an obvious gap between them. evelyn observed sam's guarded posture, the defensive wall she had been known for around the other over the past few months. the silence hung heavy, punctuated only by the sounds of the heater and dishwasher running.

evelyn's gaze held a mixture of understanding and empathy as she gazed up at sam. "is that why you called me again?" she asked, her voice gentle but probing, "she contacted you about it?" the question hung in the air as the girl struggled to mediate her breathing, waiting for sam's response.

the footballer's guarded expression wavered, revealing a flicker of vulnerability. she hesitated, the weight of unspoken and unknown emotions evident. "yeah," she admitted, her voice almost a whisper. "my mum said she spoke to you, and said we should catch up. i mean, she fucking yelled at me until i agreed, so i guess we're here now."

evelyn's shoulders sagged as she absorbed sam's resistance. "look, i don't want to force anything. i said if you're not comfortable with us talking, or if you don't want me here, i won't push it. i don't want to intrude on your space if you're not open to it."

sam's guarded expression softened slightly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. "i just...i don't know what we're doing here," she admitted, the defensiveness in her tone giving way to a more genuine hesitation.

the singer nodded, respecting sam's reservations. "i get that. we've got a lot to unpack, and i don't expect us to solve everything right now. but if there's any chance for understanding, for closure, i think it's worth a shot."

the silence stretched between them, laced with the weight of unresolved history. sam's eyes searched the other girl's face for something—perhaps a reassurance, an understanding. the air hung heavy with little words, both women standing at the peak of a conversation that could either progress or worsen their relationship on a thin strand.

evelyn took a deep breath, breaking the silence. "listen, sam, i know i shouldn't have just coached the team after you never wanted to see me again. but your mum, she cares about you. she wants to see you happy, and she thought maybe...well, maybe us talking could help, in some way."

sam's gaze remained fixed on the floor, her thoughts seemingly running around. after a prolonged pause, she looked up, meeting the girl's eyes properly for the first time that day. "i don't know if talking will change anything," she admitted, vulnerability seeping into her words.

the singer nodded, acknowledging the uncertainty. "maybe it won't. maybe we're just too different now, and that's okay. but i'm willing to try, if you are."

solitude → sam kerrWhere stories live. Discover now