fifteen → vacant opportunity

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evelyn moved through the quiet house, careful not to make much noise. she had given up her bed to alanna and mackenzie, opting for molly's room for the night. the morning sun was just starting to filter through the curtains, casting a soft glow.

waking up a little before eight, she navigated her surroundings, taking an unusual route to the bathroom. the dim light provided a moment of quiet before the day unfolded. a quick routine of brushing her hair and teeth served as a quick wake up call, feeling more refreshed than rotting in bed.

descending the stairs, the house held a calm stillness. the events of the previous night lingered, and evelyn couldn't help but travel her mind back to the previous night.

preparing a breakfast of comfort, evelyn chose weetbix adorned with milk, yoghourt and fruit—a familiar taste from her home country. the rhythmic clink of the spoon against the bowl accompanied her finishing breakfast, scraping the last of it. as the last few spoonfuls disappeared, she rinsed the dishes in the sink, carefully placing it in the dishwasher against other bowls.

with two glasses in hand, she filled them at the tap, careful not to spill them as she walked. a pack of panadol joined the glasses, forming a hangover remedy. heading upstairs, she carried them to the footballers occupying her bedroom for the time being.

gently opening the door, she found the two awake but stubbornly refusing to get up. the morning light streamed through the blinds, as pillows were held over their heads in an attempt to block the light, revealing the aftermath of the night.

alanna and mackenzie groaned as evelyn approached, clutching their heads in apparent discomfort from the previous night's revelry. evelyn placed the glasses of water on the bedside table along with the pack of painkillers.

"looks like someone had a bit too much fun last night," evelyn quipped, attempting to inject a hint of humour into the room.

"yeah, well, maybe you needed a few drinks too afterwards," alanna mumbled, rolling over to face away from the singer.

evelyn chuckled lightly at alanna's response, acknowledging the truth in her words. the aftermath of the previous night lingered in the room, a reminder of the strained dynamics that had unfolded.

"maybe you're right," she admitted, "but i've never been one for heavy drinking. here's some water and panadol."

she placed the glasses on the bedside table, along with the pack of painkillers, signalling that relief was within arm's reach for anyone who needed it.

evelyn took a moment to observe the two still nestled under the blankets, each nursing their own version of a hangover. despite the awkwardness of the situation, she couldn't help but appreciate the friendship of shared moments, even if they were accompanied by a headache.

"so, what's the plan for today?" evelyn asked, trying to shift the focus away from the events of the previous night. "anyone up for a late breakfast or an early lunch?"

the response was met with another chorus of groans, indicating that the idea of leaving the comfort of the bed was not particularly appealing. the singer couldn't blame them; sometimes, a slow morning was the best remedy for a rough night.

as the morning sun continued to brighten the room, alanna and mackenzie, feeling a bit more composed, decided it was time to face the day. they slowly descended the stairs, still looking a bit worse for wear but determined to move beyond the events of the club.

evelyn, seated at the kitchen island, glanced up from her phone, offering a friendly smile. "morning, you two. feeling a bit better?"

alanna grunted in response, a half-smile appearing on her face. mackenzie managed a nod, both acknowledging and appreciating evelyn's consideration.

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