thirty → professions over confessions

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zenith found themselves in a state-of-the-art studio nestled within the vibrant music scene of chicago. the renowned producer and editor brought a wealth of experience, their guidance shaping the band's sound into a masterpiece that resonated with the essence of their work.

the city lights of chicago sprawled across the skyline, a mosaic of urban brilliance that honoured another piece in evelyn's journey. her decision not to listen to the advice of her friends and visit sam had left a sense of uncertainty, but the pulsating energy of the upcoming album beckoned her focus elsewhere.

late nights blurred into early mornings as zenith tirelessly crafted their approaching recordings. the instruments echoed through the studio, a sound that infused each track with vitality, anchoring the melodies in a sea of possibilities. amidst the creative enthusiasm, evelyn wrestled with an internal struggle. the decision to prioritise the band over personal matters lingered in her thoughts.

the phone remained silent, devoid of messages from sam. the decision not to visit, while strategic for zenith's creative pursuits, left evelyn yearning for a sense of confirmation. yet, the studio became a home where the creations of zenith provided a temporary escape from the uncertainties.

as january unfolded in the heart of chicago, zenith found themselves embracing a rhythm of progress within the walls of the studio. the band, content with their creative progressions over the last month, exceeded expectations in their timeline for the upcoming album. with about five months left to bring their musical masterpiece to life, the anticipation of a summer release remained in the studio air like a sweet promise.

the hotel room exuded a sense of quiet satisfaction, a stark contrast to the creative chaos of the studio. as the city embraced the chill of winter, evelyn found solace in the warmth of a hotel room. the ambience, wrapped in the glow of the outside, provided a peaceful environment for her to indulge in a novel acquired from a local second-hand bookshop. the last pages turned, and she placed the book aside, eager to embrace the less cold day that unfolded before them.

with a burst of energy, evelyn moved herself into maxine's room, excitement stemming from her. "max, we should go shopping! it's a perfect day for it," she suggested, a gleam of enthusiasm in her eyes.

maxine, drawn into the infectious excitement, grinned in agreement. "absolutely! a break from the studio sounds like a plan." the idea of a shopping excursion brought a welcome change of pace to the intense rhythm of their recording sessions.

the two friends quickly got ready, the anticipation of exploring the city's shops adding a cheerful note to their day. evelyn, adorned in a stylish yet comfortable ensemble, reflected the diverse spirit of chicago's fashion scene.

as they stepped out into the city's bustling streets, the echoes of their laughter harmonised with the urban soundtrack, their excitement matching the tempo of the city's pulse. their shopping adventure began with a local thrift store with a few windowed items that caught evelyn's eye as they were walking past.

the girl, guided by her alternative sense of style, selected an array of garments that mirrored her own personal vibe, mixing and matching items that could be modified or layered with others. she explored vintage-inspired pieces, modern silhouettes, and accessories that would add a touch of flair to her presence on and off the stage. maxine, with her adventurous spirit, embraced the opportunity to experiment with bold patterns and statement pieces that complemented her fiery personality.

with shopping bags in tow, the duo decided to take a detour to a nearby food court for lunch. the enticing aroma of diverse cuisines wafted through the air as they entered the bustling space. the food court, a melting pot of flavours, offered a wide range of choices that catered to every palate.

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