forty four → pushing your luck

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as evelyn stirred awake, the warmth from the previous night paused, but the bed beside her was now empty. confused, she reached for her phone and found a few messages from sam.

new messages: sammy :)
morning angel
i've got training this morning but i'll be back by this arvo
you can head over to my place, make urself at home. there should be a spare key around the side gate

feeling a mixture of excitement and contentment, evelyn hopped into the shower, relishing the amenities of the hotel before their check-out. she efficiently packed her belongings, somehow managing to fit her new merch among the essentials. as she stepped outside, she spotted carlos and max comfortably seated in the lobby.

curious about alex's whereabouts, evelyn inquired, "where's alex?"

max's response was casual, "probably slept in. how long are you gonna stay here for?"

"i don't know, probably until you need me back," the brunette replied with a mischievous wink.

just as the trio prepared to check out, alex finally made his way downstairs. clearly suffering from a severe hangover, his dishevelled appearance corresponded to his mismatched clothes. wishing her bandmates goodbye, evelyn called a separate cab to head to sam's place.

arriving at sam's, the singer discovered a homey ambience that reflected her character. navigating through the familiar surroundings, evelyn found the hidden key, granting her access to the apartment. the door creaked open, and the warmth of familiarity enveloped her. she marvelled at the little details—the way the daylight filtered through the windows, casting patterns on the floor, and the faint aroma of sam's favourite coffee lingering in the air.

as evelyn settled in, she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort. glancing around, she noticed little details – a few soccer balls, and a wall adorned with photos capturing precious moments.

the singer began the process of settling into sam's apartment, treating it as her own for the time being. with a suitcase filled with the remnants of the tour, she set to work sorting through the clean and dirty laundry, determined to maintain a semblance of order. the folding and arranging provided a calming contrast to the whirlwind of her touring lifestyle.

the bathroom became the next frontier, as evelyn arranged her toiletries with a particular touch. each item found its designated spot—a small act, perhaps, but one that helped her claim a slice of the space as her own.

deciding to make the most of her temporary abode, evelyn started a load of laundry. the gentle hum of the washing machine echoed through the apartment, the steady rhythm a soothing backdrop to her activities. as the clothes swirled in the water, she couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity.

venturing outside to the balcony, she hung the clothes with care, taking advantage of the warming weather as summer approached. the gentle breeze played with the fabric, a collection of colours against the background of the suburb. evelyn stayed for a moment, appreciating the ordinary beauty of this simple act.

as the clothes swayed in the breeze, the girl found a sense of contentment. it was a stark contrast to the stage lights and roaring crowds, a grounding force that reminded her of the beauty in simplicity.

back inside, the apartment carried the faint scent of detergent—a subtle reminder of a day spent tending to the essentials. with the laundry sorted and chores attended to, evelyn surveyed the space around her, knowing it was a shared area for an ongoing time.

the door clicked open, signalling sam's return. she entered, a tired but content expression on her face. the sight of the hung laundry drew a smile from her, an unspoken acknowledgment of the effort evelyn had put into making this space their own.

solitude → sam kerrWhere stories live. Discover now