twenty seven → an uncalled confrontation

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as the rain poured outside, evelyn couldn't resist the temptation of staying a bit longer. the duo found themselves cozied up in the comfort of sam's living room. the pitter-patter of raindrops provided a subtle background noise within the apartment, and the singer spent a lot of her time just listening, relaxed by the sounds.

with a mischievous glint in her eyes, evelyn perked up, suggesting, "can we watch something? i've been dying to watch h2o again!"

sam raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on her lips. "really? that's your pick?"

the singer nodded enthusiastically, a grin spreading across her face. "absolutely! i loved it then and i love it now, i haven't gotten the chance to watch it in ages."

as the rain continued its sounds against the footballer's windows, evelyn couldn't help but carouse in the simple joy of a cosy evening indoors. they had surrendered to the allure of h2o just like old times, and sam, despite her initial resistance, found herself getting surprisingly engrossed in the mermaid drama.

"i can't believe you're making me watch this again," sam teased, settling on the couch with a blanket, "i must be a good friend to endure this."

the girl chuckled, defending her choice. "you secretly love it. just admit it."

sam brought in a bundle of snacks from the kitchen, setting it on the coffee table as they both got comfortable under a warm blanket. the aroma of popcorn and the sound of rain outside created an atmosphere that felt almost magical.

as the episodes unfolded, they found themselves not just immersed in the mermaid tales but also critiquing the characters. the discussion inevitably turned to the well-hated season two antagonist, charlotte.

"i forgot how much i hated that ranga," evelyn rolled her eyes, an annoyed spark in her expression.

sam snorted, "she's such a bitch, honestly. always scheming. she can just piss off."

their banter flowed effortlessly, a blend of teasing and genuine enjoyment. the characters on the screen became the foundation of their shared laughter and the delightful snacks that disappeared as quickly as the raindrops outside.

amidst the fictional drama, the room echoed with genuine friendship. the years seemed to melt away, leaving them with the carefree spirit of their old teenage companionship. they had both missed this, and the striker definitely needed a distraction.

as they reached the end of another episode, sam turned to evelyn with a smirk. "okay, fine. maybe it's not as terrible as i thought."

"mhm, i told you-"

the girl was cut off quickly by a harsh knock at the door. sam got up reluctantly, approaching the front with a slight frown on her face. evelyn, still nestled on the couch, paused the tv, sensing that this interruption might be significant.

the door creaked open, revealing nikki stanton standing on the placemat, her hair slightly damp from the rain outside, slightly frizzy from it. her eyes met her ex's, a mixture of determination and remorse in their depths.

"can we talk?" the blonde's voice was steady, yet it carried an undercurrent of vulnerability.

sam hesitated, then nodded, stepping outside to converse privately. evelyn couldn't help but feel a wave of curiosity, her attention inadvertently fixated on the unfolding drama beyond the living room.

as the door closed behind them, the singer tried to focus on the paused tv screen, but the weight of the approaching conversation lingered in the air.

minutes felt like hours as evelyn sat in a suspended state of anticipation. the sound of muffled voices and sporadic raindrops created an eerie combination, heightening the stress.

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