twenty three → two faced

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new messages: ranga drummer
um ev u might wanna look at this
[link attached]

as evelyn clicked on the video link maxine had sent, she watched a short snippet of an interview with sam. the screen highlighted sam's incredible achievements over the year. intrigued, evelyn wondered why max had thought it necessary to share this particular interview with her.

fox sports correspondent, eager to explore sam kerr's journey in more detail, continued the conversation from their introduction.

"incredible achievements, sam. now, talking about your time at sky blue, breaking the nwsl season record is no small feat. how do you manage to stay consistently on top of your game throughout the season?"

sam leaned in, a glint of determination in her eyes. "it's all about preparation, both physically and mentally. working closely with the coaching staff, setting clear goals, and maintaining a positive mindset play crucial roles. and of course, having a fantastic team that supports each other on and off the field."

the interviewer then shifted focus to the recent awards night. "the nwsl golden boot and mvp award – double honours, congratulations again! how do you think these awards will impact your career going forward?"

sam smiled, appreciating the recognition. "these awards are not just personal achievements; they reflect the collective effort of the team. they bring visibility to women's soccer, and i hope they inspire young players to pursue their dreams. personally, it motivates me to keep pushing boundaries and contributing to the growth of the sport."

bringing the discussion back to the matildas, the interviewer asked, "the tactical shift to a centre striker under coach harper seems to have worked wonders. can you share how this change influenced your playing style and the team's dynamics?"

sam nodded. "absolutely. i've played the number nine position in my club career, and bringing that experience to the international level has been exciting. it allows me to connect with incredible players around me. the pace and dynamics in our forward line have created a strong connection, and it's evident in our performances."

closing the interview, the fox sports spokesperson remarked, "coach harper seems to have made a significant impact. what qualities in her coaching style do you think contributed the most to the success of the matildas?"

sam reflected, "evelyn brings a unique blend of toughness and genuine care. her ability to connect with each player, both as a coach and a friend, has been a game-changer for us. we respect her immensely for the heart she puts into the team."

sensing the significance of harper's role, the interviewer probed further, "sam, with your extensive career, having played under various coaches, would you consider evelyn harper as the best coach you've had?"

sam paused, contemplating the question. "i believe so," she responded with a genuine smile. "ev has brought a different energy to the team. no one has managed to help us climb the rankings as fast as she did. achieving our highest ranking and securing our first win against the usa are milestones that speak volumes about her impact. she's tough during training, but off the field, she's a friend to everyone. i think that balance is what commands the utmost respect from us. she poured her heart into the team, even knowing she wouldn't be here for the long run. i reckon she's set us up for a really promising future."

evelyn smiled at the striker's final response, feeling a sense of accomplishment. she closed her browser, reopening her messages app to respond to her friend.

ranga drummer

istg can she not be so two faced

i mean she wouldn't say that if she still hated u
maybe her parents knocked some shit into her
and we're going to nyc tomorrow...

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