(10) Taking care

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I opened my eyes, it's dark

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I opened my eyes, it's dark . I found myself on a grey bedsheet and a king sized bed.

Wait, where am I?

I got panicked, and sit up straight, then suddenly I saw a big poster in fron of me on the wall.

Aaransh's picture hangs on the wall, reality hits me.

All memories start running in my head.

I felt my eyes burning with tears.

Suddenly someone cleared his throat. It's Aaransh.

"How are you feeling?" He asked coldly.

"I don't know." I'm not feeling good. Who will!!!!

"I have a lot of things to talk about with you but before that you have to eat something." He said.

"I'm not hungry." I whisper.

"I'm not asking you." He said orderly.

He calls someone on the phone and order to bring the food.

I'm not feeling like eating. I will definitely puke.

I cannot tell him . Because I'm still feeling afraid of him.

After 10 min of silence some maid knock the door.

Aaransh get up to open the door, take the food plate.

He locked the door and came towards me.

"I'm really not feeling to eat anything." I said timidly.

"First thing, I don't like to repeat myself." He said in authoritative voice.

He pushes the plate near me. I'm feeling like crying. I took one morsel of chapati and curry, start eating. After eating one chapati I look at him.

"Finish it." He said seriously.

I started finishing it.

"Now take this." He give some medicines in my hand.

I take it without complain.

After eating and taking my medicine I start thinking again.

My family hide most important things from me, my new husband is king.

"For now you can sleep, we will talk later," He pauses and look at me.

"Sleep on the bed. Take rest." He said and went to to balcony.

Sleep is far away from me. I'm still crying.

No Siya you have to become strong. Don't cry. Don't cry Don't cry Siya.

I slept after gaining some courage.

Sun peeps through the window of the Rajvansh's mansion

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Sun peeps through the window of the Rajvansh's mansion.

Some members slept at night but some was in still a dilemma. Some kept awake whole night. The shocking news from yesterday shakes the whole Rajvansh mansion.

Aanachal thought to wake her daughter in law because his son is in the gym.

Aaransh didn't slept whole night. He continuously smokes.

Aanchal knock on the door.

Siya sleep got broken. She walk towards the door and opened it. It was not locked.

"Aunty." Siya whispers slowly and bent down to take her blessings.

Aanchal smiled and blessed, "God will give you happiness and strength.... Can I come inside?"

"Ofcourse Aunty. Please."

Aanchal came iside, she give Siya some a beautiful saree.

"Beta, I know this is difficult for you. I'm sorry for Misha's behaviour. I know you will take a lot of time to overcome from this situation. But if you ever feel sad you can come to me. And yes don't call me aunty, call me maa. Please." Aanchal said emotionally.

Siya hugs Aanchal, " I'm fine Aun..I mean Maa."

"Now get fresh up and come downstairs. And don't worry I'm here for you."

Aanchal said and left.

Siya sighs.

She goes to the washroom, freshen up and got ready in a beautiful white dress.

She goes to the washroom, freshen up and got ready in a beautiful white dress

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Siya is continuously fidgeting with her dupatta. She nervous to go down.

Aaransh is coming from the gym and stares at her intensely. She noticed him and lower her lashes.

"What happened?" He asked her

"Ca..can I go with you downstairs? I..I don't wa..want to go alone." She asked timidly while looking down.

"Second thing, talk to me while looking into my eyes. And wait here I'm coming after taking bath."

She nodded.

He notice.

He went to washroom and after 15 minutes he came in a suit. He is looking dashing and handsome.

Siya lost in his beauty. Or I can say handsomeness.

"Let's go." He said.

He start taking long steps but when he is near the dining area he starts walking slowly, Siya came to his side and hold his edge of the suit.

Aaransh moved towards the dining table and sit on the chair.

"I will not eat in presence of her." Misha said furiously.

"No one will eat until I say." Aaransh said calmly.

"And no one will move from his or her place."

"Now I'm starting from yesterday's incidence, I suddenly got information that I'm married. Why? Why no one told me?

Secondly, when you know who is she, then how dare you to disrespect her!

Third, Misha bua sa, your punishment for misbehaving from the queen of my kingdom is to you will not come to Rajvansh mansion until I say so, so pack your bags and get out." He said with a blank face.

"Aaransh" Dadi sa yelled.


Hey my butterflies,

How are you all?

Guys do votes and comment if you like.

I'm not going to publish until you all complete the target.

Target ~ 200 votes and 100 comments

Bye take care

Vish ✨

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