Chapter 32: A Fate That's Worse Than Death

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You're engulfed in darkness so thick it feels like a tangible force, pressing against you from all sides. The cold seeps through the gaps in your armor, a relentless chill that seems intent on freezing you to the core. The faint glow from your crimson armor casts a meager spotlight beneath you, creating an oasis of light in an otherwise impenetrable void.

Every minor shift in your stance echoes back in an eerie resonance, amplifying the crushing sense of isolation. Your breathing hastens, each breath sounding alarmingly loud in the oppressive silence.

Then, almost imperceptibly at first, the atmosphere begins to shift. A tingling sensation spreads across your skin as an ancient and powerful energy manifests, drawing closer with each moment. It's as if the realm itself is contorting, bending to the will of a formidable entity.

Instinctively, you reach for your blade, seeking its familiar reassurance.

But it's absent.

Vulnerability washes over you as the dark energy encroaches, making the absence of contact with her all the more palpable. Despite this realm's connection to her power, she remains conspicuously absent, leaving you to face the vast unknown alone.

Abruptly, you're back in Trollmarket, the transition from the realm of shadows to the familiar tunnels jarring. Jim's there, his face etched with concern. "Did she say anything?" he asks, his voice a mix of hope and apprehension.

Admitting the silence from her is more difficult than you anticipated. "No, nothing," you reply, a twinge of bitterness in your voice. "It's like... when I'm here, I feel closer to her, like my visions, our... connection, it's stronger. But at home, it's as if I'm just... cut off."

Before you can delve deeper into the implications of your bond and its fluctuations, Draal interrupts, storming into the forge with urgency. "There's an intruder," he announces gravely, the immediate threat snapping your focus back to the present.

Despite the unanswered questions and your deep-seated concerns about your connection to her, the safety of Trollmarket takes precedence. With a shared glance between you and Jim, you prepare to confront the immediate danger, pushing aside the lingering doubts about your unseen benefactor, and ultimately deactivating your armor, the responsibility of being Trollhunters, defenders against the shadows, once again takes center stage.

- Now In Trollmarket -

In the heart of Trollmarket, amid a tumult of voices and panic, trolls argue loudly, their attention captured by a human trapped in a sack, dangling from the ceiling. Debates over the fate of the intruder echo through the cavern.

"Intruder!" one troll bellows, igniting further uproar among the crowd.

"We should eat him!" another suggests, only to be countered by a voice of reason, "We don't eat humans!"

The discussion spirals, touching upon the possibility of the human being a changeling, which only adds fuel to the fiery debate.

Jim, with authority in his stride, cuts through the chaos. "Hey, stop!" His command silences the crowd, making way for him and Y/N. "Let him go! I'm the Trollhunter. I'll deal with it," Jim declares, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Y/N stands by Jim, a reminder of their partnership. His hand unconsciously drifts towards his amulet, a silent acknowledgment of the power it holds and the restraint required not to use it impulsively in such a volatile situation.

The bag is reluctantly dropped, revealing its occupant. Jim approaches cautiously, sword in hand. To everyone's astonishment, a large human emerges, his gratitude directed towards Jim. "Oh. Thank you, Jim."

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