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AGE 12

♡ "Itadori Yuji! I am one of Gojo Sensei's students now! Nice to meet you!"The boy was energetic and bright, his energy fueled mine and I took his hands and smiled as I introduced myself as well

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♡ "Itadori Yuji! I am one of Gojo Sensei's students now! Nice to meet you!"
The boy was energetic and bright, his energy fueled mine and I took his hands and smiled as I introduced myself as well.
"Ryuu Chiyo! Call me Chi Chi!"
"How cute! I love your nickname! It suits you!"
"Thank you Yuji-san!"
"Call me Yuu, it's only fair"
"Yuu-san! You are still older than me!"
We laugh together, I even forgot Megumi was right there behind me.
"You two are two peas in a pod huh?"
Gojo came over.
This was my first time at Jujutsu High, it wasn't busy because it was a weekend, but I get to meet everyone who Megumi will be with next year today!
"Yuu-san is so cool Gojo Sensei!"
I hop a few times, each time I hit the top of my head to the palm of Megumi's hovering hand.
I look back at him and see him staring at Yuji.

"Something wrong?"
I stop hopping, stepping back into Megumi's stomach, whispering up at him.
"I am waiting for him to tell you what he is exactly."
"What he is?"
Yuji flushed red in that moment, looking away.
"Itadori Yuji here is Sukuna's vassal. You know, that 1000 ex sorcerer. The most powerful of HIS time."
Gojo went on to explain at Yuji's silence.
"Like...a curse?"
"Not really. You will understand in time. No need to worry about the details. Just be careful with who is inside your other pea in your pod."
Gojo hummed, strolling off down the hall past us.
A girl with short ginger hair entering the hall and coming right to us.
"What did I miss? Who is this?"
She points at me.
"Ryuu Chiyo. Nice to meet you!"
"Kugisaki Nobara. Why are you here?"
She is a little...straight forward?
"To meet everyone I am working with next year."
Megumi spoke up, I forgot I was right against him, looking up at him speak.

"Why does she need to know? You don't look like the psyco girlfriend type Ryuu."
"I'm not...we aren't like that!"
I shake my hands out in front of me at her, she scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
"I was just curious...I am Gojo Sensei's student too actually, but I am two years behind you all."
"Weird curiosity."
She didn't like me.
"Nobara that is enough."
Megumi yawned, pulling me towards the doors.
"Wait- Megumi-san I want Yuu-san's number!"
We stop and he waved me to be quick.
"Here! I wanna be friends!"
I hand Yuji my phone and he types in his number happily, and I head back over to Megumi, waving.
Once we were out of the school and a bit away, Megumi stopped walking and took my chin up in his right hand.
"You can't hang out with Yuji alone."
"Huh? But he is so nice."
"Because of Sukuna. I know Yuji is trustworthy, it is just..."
He trailed off.
"Just be careful."
"I will. Megumi-san, can we go back to your house? Let's actually talk this time."

"Let conversations go naturally, sitting down and forcing it isn't any fun."
I slip my hand into his as we still proceed to walk the direction of his house, entangling our fingers, he looks down at our hands for a few moments, but his eyes were back in front of us when I looked down too and back up at him.
"What do you want to do for your 13th birthday Chiyo?"
"Hmm? Maybe just have a small party with you and Gojo Sensei, and Maki-san and Yuu-san."
"What gift would you like?"
I think.
There isn't really much I want.
"Another fish..?"
"No Chiyo. Something different. What do you like to play with or read when you are at home not training?"
I think back to the sketches of Megumi in my notebook.
"Art supplies. What would you like for your 14th birthday?"
"That's not fair. You want something I'm sure! I told you what I want-"
"A boy gets a girl gifts, a girl gives the boy her smile."
What is he going on about..?
Though I blush, looking back down at our hands.
"You deserve better than a smile."
"A smile is priceless."
"Whatever...I'll just stick to my original gift idea."

I laugh, he smiled a bit as we got to his house, knocking before entering.
"Tsumiki are you home?"
No answer came as we took our shoes off, closing the door.
"Do you want lunch. I can make us something."
"Yes please!"
I follow him into the kitchen.
"What is your favorite home cooked meal Chiyo?"
"Definitely omurice! I know it is basic but mama-"
I stop myself.
Remembering her hurt.
"I will make you one then."
"What about you Megumi-san?"
"I like chicken dishes."
"I will learn to cook chicken dishes for you then!"
I pull myself up to sit on the clear counter next to him cooking.
It was weird looking down at him.
"Learn to cook for yourself first before you learn to cook for me."
"I don't need to know how to cook for myself when you will do it for me!"
I grin and he just ignores me, shaking his head, but he was smiling.
I liked that smile of his a lot...

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