Pinky promise (3/3)

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After spending some- no a lot of time doing nothing and everything, Shubman and Ishan finally decided to go back to the hotel. They didn't even realise when the whole afternoon had passed. Well, you can't really blame them, they met after years.

Ishan didn't expect anything like this while coming here, but he couldn't be more grateful for this. It felt like the perfect place for them to reunite. Meeting your long lost childhood bestfriend again, in the same park you used to play together when you were kids, with rain added as a dramatic, bollywood yet ethereal touch, sounds so dreamy, doesn't it?

Even though they met after years, there wasn't an ounce of awkwardness. They danced and ran around in rain like little kids. Got into the park's slides even though they were extremely small for them. Talked about anything and everything. Had garam-garam chai and pakode at a dhaba nearby. Well, they were supposed to be on a diet but decided that one cheat day wouldn't hurt.

By the time they returned to the hotel it was past 7 already. Both of them went to their own rooms to freshen up and then have dinner with the team. The team usually ate around 8 so they could retire to bed on time and are not exhausted during their early morning practice.

When Ishan reached the dining area, Shubman was already there and much to his dismay, the seat beside Shubman was already occupied by Shreyas.

"Bhai, can you please swap seats with me? I wanna sit beside Shubi, please."

"Okay?" Shreyas obliged, but was still confused. Shubi? When did they become this close? He thought as it was kinda surprising cause Shubman is usually very reserved. He doesn't open up to people this fast. Maybe Ishan is an exception. He settled with this thought, not wanting to meddle in their business.

"You were supposed to save a seat for me." Ishan pouted. Shubman couldn't help an amuse smile from slipping on his lips.

"I will, from now on." Shubman replied with a smile and Ishan couldn't help but mirror his expression.

They ate while talking and laughing on god knows what. The whole team was pleasantly surprised at the sight. Looks like there's a new friendship blooming in the ICT. This has been the thought of many. Only if they knew.

"You guys look like you've been friends for years." Siraj finally commented what everyone's been thinking.

"Maybe, we have. You never know." Ishan winked at him while chuckling. Didn't really helped with the confusion, instead doubled it.

"What does that even mean?" Siraj whispered to himself seeing that the duo has already emerged in their own world again.


Everyone retreated back to their respective rooms after spending some time hanging out in the lobby and even though Shubman and Ishan had practically spent the whole day together, it still wasn't enough for Shubman (understandably so), so he found himself knocking at Ishan's door at 11 in the night.

When Ishan opened the door, he was already in his sleeping clothes but it didn't look like that he was sleeping already.

Shubman threw himself on Ishan, hugging him tightly, "I missed youuuu." He let out, stretching the words.

Ishan chuckled as he hugged him back, "We were just together, Shubi. It hasn't even been an hour."

Shubman invited himself inside the room before throwing himself onto Ishan's bed, "Well, I can argue it has been years."

Ishan looked at him as he stood beside the bed,  his eyes sad, "I'm sorry for making you wait so long, Shubman. Thank you for waiting for me."

Shubman grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the bed. Ishan looked at him startled as the other man gave him a smile, so full of reassurance and comfort.

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