Married? How? (1/1)

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Ishan woke up with his head pounding so hard, he felt it would burst. He groaned, massaging his temples to ease the pain. His eyes widened when he noticed the sleeping figure beside him. It was his bestfriend so it shouldn't be weird, right? But the said bestfriend was shirtless, okay that shouldn't be too weird as well, it could've been hot at night but the thing was he was shirtless with his body litter with hickeys all over.

Ishan gulped, glancing down at himself and noticing the purple marks at his own bare chest. What the fuck happened last night? He thought, reaching out to touch the prominent love bites on Shubman's neck, trailing down to his collarbone to his chest, the bites even travelling to his navel and God knows how low for he could see some on his thighs as well as the man was only wearing shorts.

His breath hitched as he noticed the ring on his ring finger. Oh, my God, this ring is Shubman's.

He panicked before the flashbacks of last night rained down on him slowly. He remembered he was in a party taking place in the hotel club, along  with his team for winning the series.

"You could gift her a personalised bracelet engraved with a nice message," Ishan suggested, sipping his drink.

Shreyas thought for a second before coming to the conclusion, "Yeah, I think I'll go with this one, thanks," Shreyas smiled at him before excusing himself.

Ishan smiled, roaming his eyes around to spot a certain someone. He did spot him but his smile dropped.

Ishan sighed, watching his bestfriend on the dance floor along with some more ICT members. That wasn't the problem though, what made him uneasy was that he was dancing alongside a woman who was probably leaning very close to him.

Ishan hated feeling like this, hated feeling the knot of discomfort in his stomach whenever Shubman was close to someone else.

He forcefully teared his eyes away from the dance floor before ordering one more drink for himself but he couldn't help glancing at them again. His breath hitched as he turned away immediately, his eyes tearing up. The woman was leaning closer to Shubman's face, maybe to kiss him.

"Unrequited love sucks," He groaned, gulping his drink in one go.

"Love sucks in general, sweetie," He heard a chuckle from beside him.

He turned his gaze towards the woman who spoke. She was dressed in a beautiful black dress, swirling her drink in her hand. She smiled, ordering one more drink and forwarding it to him, "It's okay, drink your pain away, sweetheart, I assure you it works. For a while I guess. For long term though, I suggest you confess so even if you get rejected you can atleast move on."

Ishan smiled, feeling oddly comforted by the stranger's words. He talked to her as he drank his sorrows away.

"Okay, enough kid, stop. You're pretty drunk already," The woman sighed, denying the bartender to get him one more drink.

"I'm not a kid and I'm not drunk as well," Ishan drawled, his speech slurred.

She smiled fondly, reaching out to softly ruffle his hair, "You seem like a kid and also pretty drunk to me."

"Ah, my hair," Ishan whined, trying to fix his hair, "And I'm twenty five."

"Almost ten year younger than me so still a kid," She shrugged.

Ishan looked at her, surprised, "You're around thirty five? You don't look like it."

She chuckled, "I'm flattered but seriously I think you've had enough. I think you should go rest."

"Okay, fine, I will," Ishan replied with a smile, Thank you, umm?"

"Meera, I'm Meera."

"Oh, hi Meera di, I'm Ishan. It was nice to meet you," Ishan extended his hand for a handshake.

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