Under the stars (1/1)

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Hii, this is kinda a part two or sequel for "Call me, maybe" but I think you can read this as a standalone as well.


The usual pre-match chatter filled the Indian cricket team's dressing room as the 2nd ODI match with Australia was about to start. Everyone were busy with their own things while also waiting for their captain to go out to toss.

Shubman sat alone on a chair, trying to get his thoughts straight. His leg constantly drumming against the ground anxiously.

"Shubman, calm down. Calm down. It's fine." He mumbled to himself, trying to get his anxious heart to slow down. The past few matches haven't been great for him and now he's extremely stressed about his form. He's trying not to let those insecurities get to his head but it's hard when the whole country has so many expectations from you. The fear of disappointing everyone but more so, the fear of disappointing his own self.

The chain of his anxious thoughts were interrupted as his phone rang. A small smile automatically made it's way onto his lips as he noted the caller id. Ishan was video calling him.

"Hii, Mr. Gill, what's up? Missed me?" Shubman was greeted with Ishan's beautiful smile as soon as he picked up the call that instantly widened his own smile.

"Nope, I didn't." Shubman quipped back, teasingly.

"Liar." Ishan rolled his eyes, "How are you? Ready for the match?" He asked, smiling.

"Fine and yeah, I'm ready." Shubman said, forcing a smile.

Ishan frowned, "What happened, Shubman? Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

"Don't worry, Ishan. I'm fine."

"Baby," Shubman's heart skipped a beat at the endearment. Ishan doesn't always call him that, it's just sometimes. Shubman feels like he can never get used to Ishan's random use of endearments but he really adores them.

"Please share with me. I'm here for you." He said softly.

Shubman sighed deeply, feeling secure enough to allow himself to open up, "Ishan, you know how so many of my last performances had been. Would  I be able to do it? Do I even deserve this?"

Ishan felt his heart clenching at the vulnerability in Shubman's voice, he wanted nothing more than to just reach out and give him a tight hug, "Baby, what are you saying? You're one of the bestest players this country have ever had. Few bad performances can't change that. Every player has some setbacks, what matters is how you come over them and I know for a fact, you're going to do that with class."

Shubman smiled weakly, "But what if I can't? What if I let everyone down again?"

Ishan's eyes soften with affection for the man infront of his eyes, "Meri Jaan, you're not going to let anyone down. Your real fans, your family, your teammates are always going to support you, even in your darkest times. I know you can do it and even if it doesn't go as planned, I'm always going  to be proud of you for trying. I'm always going to be here, okay?"

Shubman pouted looking at him, "Why are you so nice?"

Ishan chuckled, "And why are you so cute?"

Ishan cooed as Shubman blushed looking away from the phone.

"Okay, I gotta go. All the best. Bye." Ishan said, blowing Shubman a kiss who dramatically pretended to catch it and then directed it to his heart, causing book of them to laugh.

"Remember, you got this. I believe in you." Ishan said before hanging up the phone. Shubman smiled, feeling a lot better than before. I can do this. He mumbled to himself, determined.

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