Will you be my boyfriend? (1/2)

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"Ishaaan, Ishuu, please listen to me."

"Let me watch my movie, Shubman."

"Please, listen to me once, it's important."

Ishan rolled his eyes, sighing. He finally paused the movie and turned his gaze onto Shubman with a so done expression, "Speak."

Shubman gulped, "So, you remember I told you about the girl my family was trying to set me up to date?"

"That family friend's daughter, right? Yeah, What about that?"

Shubman smiled nervously, "So yesterday they told me to think about that again and I ended up telling them that I'm already dating someone."

Ishan couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips, "Just when I thought you couldn't get dumber," He quipped, barely able to control his laughter.

Shubman huffed, "Stop being mean and just listen."

"Okay, okay, continue." Ishan said, making the gesture to zip his lips and throwing key away.

"Okay, please don't get angry on what I'm about to tell you." Shubman nervously fidgeted with his fingers, prompting Ishan to raise a curious eyebrow.

"So, as I told them I'm already in a relationship, they obviously asked with who and I said.......you."

This caused Ishan to literally choke on thin air, "What the fuck, Shubman Gill?"

"I know, I'm sorry."

Ishan sighed, frustrated, "How do you always manage to surprise me with your stupidity, dude?"

Shubman looked at him with a pout.

Ishan chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "Okay, What do you want me to do?"

"Umm, will you be my boyfriend?"


Shubman winced, "First of all, Ishan, please stop with your star plus reactions." Ishan glared at him while he just flashed him his signature smile, "I mean fake. Fake boyfriend."

"Nope. Forget about it." Ishan replied, picking up his iPad to continue his movie.

"Dude, please, just for two weeks. My cousin is getting married and mumma said to bring you with me. You just have to pretend for that time."

"Do you plan on giving me a brain hemorrhage by the revelations you're doing one by one?" Ishan looked at him, baffled. "Like what do you mean your mom asked you to bring me with you?!"

"Please, Ishu just help me this time." Shubman whined, clasping his hands together infront of Ishan.

"What do I get?"

"What do you mean? You're my bestfriend. It's your job to help me." Shubman made an offended face.

Ishan scoffed, "Don't get ahead of yourself, Gill. Do you want my help or not?"

"Okay, fine," Shubman sighed, "I will do whatever you say, your majesty."

Ishan smiled, "That's more like it, now go away and let me watch my movie."

"I wanna watch too." Shubman said, snuggling onto Ishan's side, placing his head on the latter's shoulder.

"Well, why did you say my name though?" Ishan asked, wrapping his arm around Shubman and pulling him close.

"I don't know, you were the first person who came into my mind when mom asked who I'm dating."

Ishan chuckled, "You're such an idiot."

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