The Pink Dread

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Soon arriving to the dragon pit to be met by Aegon, Jace, and Luke. Standing around, he looked suspicious. In the back stood Vermax, feasting on a burned sheep corpse. Met with the pair walking into the pit, Aegon turns to speak.

Ageon: Brother! There you are, I was beginning to worry you would not come.
Aemond: Why? What do you want, Aegon?
Ahsoka: Why can't you just run back to the whores you so claim. Uncle.
Aegon: *laughs* My dear sweet niece, with a wild tongue... Aemond, we have a surprise for you.
Aemond: What is it?
Aegon: Something very special. You're the only one of us without a dragon.
Aemond: Indeed.
Aegon: And we felt badly about it, so we found one for you.
Aemond: A dragon? How?
Aegon: The gods provide.
Ahsoka: What are you doing?
Aegon: Behold...
Aegon/Jacaerys: The Pink Dread!
Aegon: Be sure to mount her carefully. First flight's always rough.
Ahsoka: Fuck you! All of you!
Aegon: *laughs* Come my Blue- *gets punched in the face*
Ahsoka: You filthy, drunken, abhorrent piece of shit! How dare you? You should have more respect for your brothers honor.
Jace: Sister twas a jest
Ahsoka: SHUT UP! Of course, you had to follow Aegon. Jace, you want to be bad to be liked. You decided to go along with whatever this cunt wants!
Jace: SHUT UP!
Ahsoka: It's nothing but the truth, brother. All I know is, if someone had done this to you. You wouldn't be so quick to laugh.

Aemond runs further into the pit, disappearing into the dark. "AEMOND!" Ahsoka turns to run after him but is grabbed by Aegon. "You little bitch!" Only to then get punched in the face yet again by the Princess. Breaking his nose. "Don't you dare ever think that just because you are older than I. Just because you are a man that you are my better. Because you spend day after day, proving the opposite case." Ahsoka says as she stands over her uncle. Ahsoka gives a disappointed look to her brothers and then runs after Aemond yet again. She hears screeching coming in one direction, fearing the worst. When she gets there, she sees Aemond in the distance staring up at the dragon Dreamfyre. The she-dragon spits fire to the air just above the young prince. Completely enthralled by the wonder of the great beast, Aemond doesn't notice Ahsoka running up behind him, yelling his name.

Ahsoka: AEMOND! You mustn't be here!Aemond: Did you know?Ahsoka: Wha

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Ahsoka: AEMOND! You mustn't be here!
Aemond: Did you know?
Ahsoka: Wha... No, of course I didn't Aem- *interrupted*
Ahsoka: *sniffling* Aemond... I would never. I... I would never betray you, please believe me.

Ahsoka moves to grab Aemonds hand, which he doesn't pull back from. "Aemond, you are my best friend. I love you so much if I had known..." Those words ring in Aemonds head. Did she just say she loved him? "What?" Aemond had asked. As if completely forgetting about what had happened before. Ahsoka realized what she had said. Words sticking in her throat as she gasps for air. It was as if those words just fell out without her knowledge. "Umm..." Ahsoka tries to make an excuse but is embraced by Aemond, who starts crying into her shoulder. For a while, they stand like this. Even amongst the smell of dragon, Aemond takes deep whiffs of Ahsokas lavender scent. He can smell this scent from a mile away. Her scent. The break away from the hug bringing their hands to meet each other. Hand in hand, they made their way towards the entrance. Silence filled the air for a bit, nothing needed to be said, and she knew that. Aemond didn't need her to apologize, especially after defending him as she did.

Aemond: You shouldn't have hit Aegon. You're sure to be punished.
Ahsoka: He shouldn't have done that, the cunt. Besides it was worth the punishment I am yet to indure.

Silence yet again filled the air before Ahsoka stopped. Pulling Aemond to her forcing him to look at her. "You will have a dragon one day Aemond. I know it in my soul to be true. The King didn't have a dragon until he claimed the legendary Balerion. He didn't have an egg that hatched he took his birth right as you must." Aemond looked in her eyes for any sign of deceit, eventually realizing that she was indeed being sincere. A warmth filled his chest, embracing her yet again. Only then to be approached by guards.

Before the Queen stand, her son and granddaughter. Covered in ash.

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Kings Guard: Your Grace.
Alicent: Aemond. Ahsoka. What have you done?
Helaena: He did it again.
Alicent: After how many times you've been warned, must I have you both confined to your chambers?!
Aemond: They made me do it!
Alicent: As if you needed encouragement. Your obsession with those beasts goes beyond understanding.
Aemond: They gave me a pig!
Alicent: A what?
Aemond: They said they found a dragon for me. The last ring has no legs at all. But it was a pig.
Ahsoka: Th... They called the Pink Dread. Aegon. My brothers.
Alicent: You will have a dragon one day.
Helaena: He'll have to close an eye.
Alicent: I know it.
Aemond: They all laughed.veryone but Ahsoka. She defended me.

This warms the Queens heart. Ahsoka would go against her own brothers if it meant protecting Aemond? Before Alicent could say anything else, the doors behind them opened. Revealing Princess Rhaenyra and her sons. Jace is angry while Lukes eyes are red and puffy. He had been crying, he was scared his big sister had not hated him. Ser Laenor. Prince Aegon with some tissue up his nose. And King Viserys. All settle in the room before the King speaks.

Viserys: Ahsoka. It has come to my attention that you have struck Prince Aegon.
Laenor: What? My little star, is this true?
Ahsoka: Yes, father. I did. Twice.
Viserys: Twice? And do explain yourself child.
Ahsoka: Aegon and my brothers had told Aemond that they found a dragon for him deep within the pit. But when we had laid eyes upon it. It was no dragon. It was - *interrupted*
Aemond: It was a pig. They gave me a pig! They all laughed father. And Ahsoka defended me.
Jace: It was a jest!
Ahsoka: No! You were cruel!
Jace: You always defend him!
Ahsoka: Because you're always bullying him! Following Aegon.
Viserys: Enough! All of you!
Ahsoka: After i punched him , I told Aegon that he should have more respect for his brothers honor. That he should be the one defending him. He tried to grab me when I took off after Aemond. That's when I hit him again.

Heated glances from everyone. You could cut the tension in this room with a wooden sword. When Laenor of all people speaks up. "Your grace. I understand my daughters wrong, and I shall punish her accordingly." He says with a glance to his daughter. She knows what she did was wrong. But she doesn't care. She's have Trigon eat Aegon if it meant protecting Aemond. "Very well. Now. I do believe everyone has schedules to attend to." Says the King. Completely dismissing everything else. Everyone starts to walk out, and Aemond gives Ahsoka an appreciative glance. She returns it with a smile.


A/N, as you can see. Young Ahsoka has many sides. There is much more to come if you ask me

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