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121 AC. Driftmark

The day of the funeral for Laena Targaryen came. Nobles came to Driftmark to pay their respects to the family. Since Laena was born Velaryon, her body... her burned corpse was placed in a stone castet that was carved to her likeness and dropped to the sea. Ahsoka was standing next to her family, holding her fathers arm in an attempt to bring him comfort. Her aunt Laena was a beautiful soul. She had shown Ahsoka how to properly care for her curls as a lady. Providing her cream of lavender scent that Ahsoka was to leave in her hair after washing it. It had made Ahsokas' hair grow exponentially fast. Also, the scent was, as said before, all-consuming. As her great uncle Vaemomd gave a eulogy, Ahsoka tried not to cry. She had to be strong for her father and allow him to lean on her in this moment. "Nyke sīr sorry, kepa." (I'm so sorry, Father.) Ahsoka whispered to her father while holding his arm. With that same arm, he brushed his hand through her hair and placed it around her. Pulling her into a side hug. Ahsoka wraps her arms around her father she feels eyes on her. Eyes that of Daemon Targaryen, her uncle. Daemon was observing the child called "The Blue Star." He had never met her before since he was living in Pentos, along with his now deceased wife, Laena, and their two daughters Baela and Rhaena. Twin daughters around the same age as Ahsoka. Ahsoka met his gaze with a side eye, not breaking contact. This makes the Rogue Prince smile and be the first to look away. One look upon the Princess Ahsoka, and he knew that she was not one to be messed with. He knew the Blood of The Dragon burned hot within her. Ahsoka met another pair of eyes watching her. It was Aemond. She gave him a small smile, enough to let him know that she had missed him as much as he missed her. This ended in Vaemomd Velaryon making a sly comment to Rhaenyra about how Velaryon blood runs thick. Not going unnoticed by all. Causing Daemond to chuckle. Ahsoka had heard stories of her mother and uncle. She knew in that moment he was trying to protect her.

After the burial came the wake. Everyone surrounded one area that had a view of the ocean. Like most of the views in Driftmark. Ahsoka searched through the croud. She was torn whether to find Aemond or her father. Eventually choosing the latter, she came upon him standing in the ocean. He had been drinking to dull the pain, but from Ahsokas point of view. The wine had only made the matter worse. "Kepa?" Ahsoka said as she reached for her father, but he said nothing. Ahsoka turned to see her grandsire, Lord Corlys. Looking down on the pair from the balcony. Meeting his granddaughters eyes that had been filled with tears. "Ahsoka. Go inside my little Blue Star. I shall be in shortly." Laenor had said to his daughter. Ahsoka walked into the water and gave her father a hug, which Laenor returned, softly crying into her hair. Giving her a kiss on the head, sending her on her way. Ahsoka hugged her grandsire as she met him on the steps before going back into the croud. She saw her cousins Baela and Rhaena and made her way over to them. She had never met them before but offered them comfort. Her grandmother, the Princess Rhaenys, saw this and made her way over to her three granddaughters. Ahsoka kissed Rhaenys' cheek before stepping away. "There he is." She thought as she layed her eyes on Aemond. Making her way over to him, she caught a bit of his conversation with Aegon. "I have other plans..." she heard Aemond say

Aemond had been standing next to Aegon the whole day. His brother smelling of wine, not giving up, not slowing down his drinking. However, during the funeral, the air smelled sweet. Smelled of Lavender. He knew that scent. It was her. He knew she'd be here, but he didn't see her yet. She scanned through the croud to see her. "There she is." He thought to himself. She sent him a smile that made his heart skip a beat. During the wake, Aemond scanned the people in the crowd yer again, trying to find his Blue Star. Before seeing her walk to their cousins.

Aegon: Stop staring at her.
Aemond: Shut up, Aegon.
Aegon: *chuckles* You look like a love stricken fool.
Aemond: Envy doesn't suit you, brother. Just because you have no love for anyone but your cups and your whores. Not even your own betrothed.

Helaena: Hand turns loom, spool of green, spool of blue, spool of black, dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread. Hand turns loom, spool of green... that turns blue

Aegon: We have nothing in common.
Aemond: She's our sister.
Aegon: You marry her, then.
Aemond: I have other plans...
Ahsoka: Aemond! *hugs Aemond*

Aemond feels peace in the arms oh his Blue Star. He takes a deep whiff of her lavender scent and smiles. Just before Aegon ruined the moment by simply existing.

Ahsoka: Aegon.
Aegon: My niece... looking more beautiful than the last I laid my eyes on you.
Ahsoka: Mhm... How's your nose?
Aemond: *snickers*
Aegon: Healed. I'd say it gives me more of a Targaryen feature don't you think?
Ahsoka: Well then. Ever lay hands on me again, and I shall break your jaw. Thus giving you more Targaryen like features.

And with this Aegon took his leave. Chasing after a wench. While Aemond and Ahsoka giggled and made their way to the edge of the balcony overlooking the shores.

Aemond: I missed you Blue Star.
Ahsoka: And I you Aemond. I've been thinking about what you've said when I left. That you'd ask my mother for my hand.
Aemond: *gulp* Yes?
Ahsoka: I'd love that.

Aemond could've kissed Ahsoka if they were alone. Doing it now in front of everyone, she would be branded a whore at the age of 11. He couldn't let that happen. That's when a roar came from overhead. It was Trigon and Vhagar flying together in the clouds. Trigon has grown in this past year. The last Aemond saw of Trigon, the 11 year old dragon was bigger than the wild dragon Grey Ghost yet smaller than Syrax. This time however. Trifon had grown past Syrax and was now the same size as Caraxes, The Blood Worm.    In the short amount of time Trigon and Vhagar were together in Driftmark last year, they became playful. The young male dragon and the older war she-dragon. Vhagar in Laenas words "Seemed younger in the presence of Trigon." She couldn't explain it but whenever Trigon was with Vhagar. The older dragon had more energy. Aemond and Ahsoka looked up to watch the pair fly before Ahsoka broke the silence.

Ahsoka: You know. Aunt Laena once told me that she thought Trigon was one day going to outgrow Vhagar.
Aemond: No way. Vhagar is the largest in the world.
Ahsoka: Indeed. For now.
Aemond: *scoffs* I know Trigon is large for his age. But I'm not sure.
Daemon: I'd say so.

Aemond and Ahsoka then turn to meet the gaze of Daemon Targaryen. Aemond shifts his gaze upon the realization. Ahsoka stares his right in the eye with no fear. "Hello Uncle." Daemond sizes up Ahsoka before speaking, noticing the short sword on her hip. "So you're the Blue Star. I remember the night of your birth. I was flying and almost fell from my dragon." Ahsoka let's a smirk hit her face, "Shame." She replied. Bring a smile to that of her Uncle Daemon. Not knowing if she meant it was a shame he almost died, or a shame that he didn't. "Is that a short sword? You don't usually see that on a princess." Daemon said with his head high giving his niece a devous smile he was know for. Ahsoka laughed before stating. "You don't usually see women sit the Iron Throne either. But eventually..." Deamon let off a soft chuckle. He liked her. She was as fierce as they said she was. Before turning at a voice. It was Rhaenyras. Telling Ahsoka it was time for bed. Ahsoka turned to her Uncle Aemond grabbing his hand before leaving. This was the last bit of normality the young princess would endure.


A/N. Alright so this next part is gonna change a bit. We all know what's about to happen, but only I know what's really about to happen. Get ready, I should be posting again before midnight tonight

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