Ahsokas Worry

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131 AC. Kings Landing

A/N. I just learned how to do AI generation. At the bottom is 1 year old Anakin. He indeed looks just like Ahsoka.

Four moons later

It's the last moon of Ahsokas pregnancy with her twins, and she remains uncomfortable. She tore through her dress a week ago, and she wants nothing more than to give birth already.  It is also Anakins nameday, and Ahsoka was thrilled to see her son growing. Aemond left early in the morning to make sure all is prepared, leaving Ahsoka to wake up to an empty bed. As usual, she reaches over as she wakes but doesn't find her husband. A stretch causes her to have a sharp pain in her lower back that shoots up her spine. Elaena walks into the room to see Ahsoka shuffling in bed, making her way over to her.

Elaena: Good morning, Ahsoka.
Ahsoka: Good morning. Do you know where Aemond is?
Elaena: He is making sure everything is ready for Prince Anakins nameday.
Ahsoka: *groans* Name... *gasps* It's his first nameday!

Ahsoka motions to Elaena asking her to assist in getting her up, which she does. Ahsoka then moves to Anakins crib where she finds Anakin wide awake and happy to see his mother.

Anakin: *smiles/flails arms*
Ahsoka: Happy nameday, my sweet boy *picks him up*
Elaena: He's gotten so big.
Ahsoka: Yes, he has *kisses his head* Oof!
Elaena: *gasps* Ahsoka?
Ahsoka: *deep breath* Just a kick, that's all.
Elaena: Would you *interrupted*
Ahsoka: No. No. No need. *deep breath*

Ahsoka readjusted Anakin on her hip as the pains passed. Ahsoka breaks her fast in her chambers alongside Elaena, who she asks to join her. Elaena Sita at the table with Anakin in her lap, Ahsoka sits opposite of them rubbing her belly. Elaena gives Anakin small bites of food as the conversation goes on.

Ahsoka: So. How are you and Cregan?
Elaena: *looks up* I.. How..
Ahsoka: *giggles* I know much that goes on here in the Keep. Besides it's not like you both make it hard to miss. The longing eyes. His devilish smiles... I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of those smiles my friend and it is certainly not something one can miss.
Elaena: *scoffs*
Ahsoka: Come on. Tell me.
Elaena: Nothing has happened. Nor will it.
Ahsoka: Why not? You two obviously have feelings for each other. I have seen it.
Elaena: He will be the Lord of Winterfell one day. And I...
Ahsoka: And you. You. Elaena.
Elaena: I will not be a Lords whore.
Ahsoka: Cregan would never *interrupted*
Elaena: I know... *sighs* But it's easier this way.
Ahsoka: *grabs her hand* You are more than Elaena Waters. I see it. Cregan sees it. Know that I will do anything to help you be happy.

The doors to the chambers open to reveal Aemond. He walks over to greet his family with his wife being first.

Aemond: Wife. *kisses Ahsoka*
Ahsoka: Husband.
Aemond: Hm. *kisses/ looks over* Elaena.
Elaena: Prince Aemond, hello.
Aemond: *picks up Anakin* Well, look who it is.
Anakin: *coos*
Aemond: *tosses Anakin in the air*
Anakin: *squeals*

Ahsoka smiled at the father son interaction, remembering Aemond doing that with Maelor over a year ago. Now he was doing it with their son.

Ahsoka: *gasp* Ow.
Aemond: My love?
Ahsoka: *deep exhale/starts rocking*
Aemond: Ahsoka...
Ahsoka: I am alright. *deep breath*
Aemond: Let me call *interrupted*
Ahsoka: Aemond.
Elaena: He is right, Ahsoka. You may be in labor.
Ahsoka: No, I am not.
Aemond: *breath hitches* Ar.. Are you sure?
Ahsoka: Yes, I *winces*
Aemond: Elaena fetch the maester, please.

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