Bloodmages of Old

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124 AC. Kings Landing

It has been 4 days since Ahsokas's nameday, and she hasn't heard anything from Otto regarding the faith. She was angry but also anxious. She feared another attack. But a larger, much more thought-out attack. "Whoever sent them now knows they can't just attack me on the street. That means the next attempt on my life will be at a much higher scale." She told Aemond the night of the attack. Laenor and Rhaenys flew to the Keep after receiving word of the attack. They were furious that a small army seemingly made their way into the capital without anyone noticing. Otto had tried to calm the angry father and grandmother but to no avail. "You fail to secure the area for my daughters celebration. Almost getting her killed, YET AGAIN! AND YOU DARE. TELL ME TO CALM MYSELF HIGHTOWER?" Laenor yelled at the Hand. This caught Lord Otto by complete suprise. Ser Laenor has always been a bit timid. He was a skilled fighter, but he also avoided confrontation when he could. However, when it came to his daughter. He was the fiercest dragon their was. Even more dangerous than Daemon when it came to defending Ahsoka.

After almost a week of waiting, Ahsoka decided she needed to increase her power. She remembered the conversation between her and Aegon The Conqueror as well as his sister wives, Visenya and Rhaenys. She remembered a specific part of the interaction. A sentence that had stuck in her mind since her awakening. "But no one has made a Valyrian Steel sword since Ahsoka Velaryon." She knew something was coming. And she knew that she had to grow in strength. Make allies. She knew that whatever happened. She couldn't survive alone. Making her way to her grandsires chambers, she enters to find him resting. She is about to leave before he calls her in. He gets up from his bed and sits at the table, inviting Ahsoka to join him.

Viserys: What can I do for you, my dear?
Ahsoka: I was hoping to ask you about something.
Viserys: Anything.
Ahsoka: I remember the stories. About the sages of Old Valyria? What exactly were they capable of?
Viserys: According to legend, the mages were responsible for keeping the volcanos at bay. Bloodmages are practitioners of bloodmagic. The shadowbinders and bloodmages of the Further East are said to work their sorceries at night. They are welcome in Asshai, where they can practice their arts and rituals with impunity.
Ahsoka: Asshai? Where the priestess that came that night hailed from?
Viserys: Indeed. It is even said that the bloodmages were the ones who crafted Valyrian Steel.
Ahsoka: How?
Viserys: Valyrian steel was forged with dragon-fire and infused with magical spells - some say with bloodmagic.
Ahsoka: I need to tell you something. Something I saw that night. I saw The Conqueror and his wives. They told me that I would be given gifts.
Viserys: You spoke with Aegon and his wives?
Ahsoka: Yes. But that's not all. I heard a voice. Of a man I didn't know.
Viserys: What did it say?
Ahsoka: No one has made a Valyrian steel sword since Ahsoka Velaryon.

Viserys stares at Ahsoka with awe. Was she indeed a Bloodmage of Old? Valyrian Steel? His mind raced, trying to gather his thoughts. Ahsoka grabbed his hands, pulling him from his thoughts.

Ahsoka: What are you thinking right now?
Viserys: My Blue Star...
Ahsoka: Grandfather?
Viserys: You're a Bloodmage... Like the ones of Old Valyria!

Ahsoka inhaled deeply. She couldn't believe what was happening. She felt a tingling sensation she couldn't describe. Something deep trying to dig its way to the surface. After she left her grandsire, she made her way to the gods' wood. Her favorite place was under the Weirwood tree. She found it amusing that this was her favorite spot since this was the spot where she was born. Ahsoka was met by Cregan and Jaxton. New to their protector jobs, Ahsoka decided to allow them to have a free morning while she figured out some things.

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