Please Brother...

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131 AC. Kings Landing

This morning, Ahsoka is bending lightning on Visenyas Hill. As if she's dancing and guides the bolts around her as she spins. With a jump spin, she shoots the blue bolts from her fingertips into the day sky.

All she can do is recall the talk with the Maester

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All she can do is recall the talk with the Maester. How he had assured her she had not lost her child. But quite the exact opposite, actually.

Maester: It's nothing to be concerned with. Tis only spotting.
Aemond: *relieved sigh*
Ahsoka: You are sure? *sniffles*
Maester: Yes, Princess. In fact. Have you noticed that this pregnancy is more exhausting than the last?
Ahsoka: Well, yes, actually. I don't remember being this big with Anakin at this mark of the pregnancy.
Aemond: She also complains of her breasts feeling full. They are also much bigger than before. Even with Anakin.
Maester: I have a theory as to why. The Princess is carrying twins.
Maester: Yes, your highnesses. Twins. I congratulate you. I admit I wasn't expecting a babe so soon. Let alone two.
Ahsoka: *breath hitches* Twins...

Ahsoka can't help but distract herself with magic while she tries not to think about her worries. Jaxton and Cregan sit on the grass at a safe distance, watching Ahsoka practice her magic. But with less joy than usual. "What do you suppose is wrong with Ahsoka?" Jaxton asks Cregan. Cregan also notices Ahsokas state and wishes to help. "Best we ask than assume a womans feeling." He said to his friend.

Cregan: Ahsoka? *walks closer* Are you alright?
Ahsoka: I am fine.
Jaxton: Which is what women say when something is wrong, so just say it.
Ahsoka: *sighs* I'm worried for my children.
Jaxton: Twins. You should be excited.
Ahsoka: I am.
Jaxton: Yes?
Ahsoka: Of course I am. I want as many babies as I can carry.
Cregan: Then what is it?
Ahsoka: *deep breath* Becoming a mother of three in less than two years... I couldn't have imagined.
Jaxton: Are you scared?
Ahsoka: *scoffs* Of course I am.
Cregan: You are mighty. You can handle it, Dragon.
Jaxton: Wolf is right.
Ahsoka: I'm just... I'm worried about being a shitty mother.
Jaxton: No way in the Seven hells.
Cregan: You're wonderful with Anakin.
Ahsoka: That's different.
Cregan: How?
Ahsoka: Because he is one babe. When my mother had my brothers, she completely forgot about me.
Jaxton: That won't be you.
Ahsoka: You *interrupted*
Jaxton: Yes, I can be sure of it. You know what a bad mother is. Rhaenyra was horrible to you. You know what not to do. Thus knowing exactly what to do.
Cregan: This is why you will be a great mother. Why you are a great mother.

Ahsoka considered their words as time went on. She didn't really have a mother growing up. At least not one that was very present. She knew Aemond would be a wonderful father. But she still worried for herself. But more importantly, she worried for her children.

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