Take Your Place

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124 AC. Driftmark

After being given her new gifts, she realized she had to be smarter. She couldn't just fly to Oldtown to confront... well, who? She'd sew terror and feared the ones who loved her would grow to fear her. She wasn't some evil Witch. She did to start claiming the name "Witch of Driftmark," but it doesn't mean she had to be hated by all. Her people would love her, and her enemies would be too afraid to utter her name. After Otto has supposedly received word about Oldtown having no connection, Ahsoka made her way home to Driftmark. Accompanied by Cregan and Jaxton. Aemond had come as well. Insisting it would be dishonorable to not protect his betrothed while such threats were in the air. He honestly just didn't want to be without her.

Cregan, Jaxton, as well as Elaena were in a ship headed for Driftmark because they didn't want to fly on dragon back. Who could blame them? Trigon was beautiful yet terrifying. Not to mention, he had no saddle. Laenor and Rhaenys flew back a day beforehand, and they greeted the couple on the beaches along with Corlys and Vaemond.

Corlys: My sweet!
Ahsoka: Grandfather!
Corlys: I heard of the attack. Are you alright, child?
Ahsoka: I am indeed.
Corlys: Prince Aemond. Thank you for protecting her.
Aemond: I will always defend my betrothal.
Corlys: Betrothed?
Ahsoka: Yes, grandfather! Before the attack, the king made the announcement. Aemond and I are to be wed.
Aemond: Finally.

Aemond took Ahsokas' hand and kissed it. This arrangement made Corlys happy. Mostly because it seemingly made Ahsoka happy. Vaemond stepped forward.

Vaemond: Niece.
Ahsoka: Uncle.
Vaemond: I heard the attack were men of the faith. A small army?
Ahsoka: Indeed. They were stupid enough to announce who they all were before attacking.
Vaemond: I've already heard the stories of you killing all of them...
Corlys: I've heard the same. They say you created a tornado around yourself. Striking the men with lightning.
Aemond: There's more. We should retire inside for now, my lord.
Corlys: Of course. Come.

Ahsoka filled Vaemond and Corlys in of everything. The attack, the betrothal, and her newfound powers. "A Bloodmage..." Corlys wS in shock. She displayed her newfound powers of Transmuting Matter. Turning a sea shell into silver and placing it in her grandfather's hand. Vaemond saw this as a dangerous thing. He hated his great niece because of what she was. But also because of the influence she held. "I think it's time, Corlys." Rhaenys had said whole sitting by the fire. Ahsoka looked to her mother with confusion. As did Vaemomd. Corlys left the room for a moment, and Aemond came from behind, rubbing Ahsokas arms before speaking. "You home. Is beautiful, Princess. I never got the chance to tell you before." Rhaenys watched the interaction between her young cousin and her granddaughter with curiosity. She was unsure of Aemonds intentions. She knew they had always been close. Especially since Ahsoka quite literally died defending him. But he wasn't the same little boy that came to her daughters funeral.

Rhaenys: I thank you, Prince Aemond. Ahsoka has made it much better over the years. There is a lot more greenery.
Ahsoka: Plants make everything better.
Vaemond: I do think it could use with a bit of pruning. And less rain...
Aemond: Well, I think it's perfect! My beautiful has extraordinary power indeed. And she shall do more for the world.

Aemond kissed Ahsokas temple, making her blush and lay her head back on his shoulder. His arms wrapped around her torso while adoring her Velaryon features with his good eye. Rhaenys sensed a genuine connection that warmed her slightly. Somewhat reminded her of she and Corlys. They were never necessarily "in love," but they were great friends well enough. Having mutual interests as well as two children could do that to a marriage. Speaking of which. Here, he enters Lord Corlys, and he's holding a scroll. Follow by a servant carrying a long box adorned with the Velaryon Sigil. Ahsokas had never seen it before. Vaemond stared daggers at Ahsoka. He knew what was about to happen. Corly unveils the scroll before his granddaughter, and she is in awe. "A warrior needs armor." He said to her. Before her was a parchment that held the design of Corlys, Rhaenys, and Laenor equal efforts. A full armor piece painted dark blue lined with a golden accent. But what caught her eye the most. A breastplate that seemed to excentuate her chest as well as protect it adorning the Seashorse of her house wrapping around the waist and up to her breast. Gauntlets fashioned to look like dragon wings wrapping around her, going up her forearm and coming to a sharp winged tip just past her elbow.

Ahsoka: Grandfather...
Corlys: It is a gift for your nameday. It is almost ready.
Laenor: No one deserves this more than you, my little star.
Aemond: I agree with your father.

Ahsoka looked over shoulder to her handsome prince with a smile. Aemond holds the small of her back as he moves to stand neck to her. Corlys motions for the box go be placed on the table before her, and the command is swiftly followed.

Corlys: It is time. For you. To take your place.

Ahsoka opened the box and there laid the legendary sword of House Velaryon. Jelmāzma. The blade was gorgeous, coming to the sharpest of tips. The hilt, a white onyx handle with sapphires and seashells braising the metal just before the blade. At the base of the hilt. A blue sapphire. Aemond watched as Ahsoka lifted the sword in her hand, giving everyone a clear view of it. It was the first time everyone except Corlys. And Vaemond was fuming. What pushed him over the edge was his brothers words. "I Corlys Velaryon. Hereby grant you, Ahsoka Velaryon. The new owner of Jelmāzma. You are the pride of our house. Take this blade and defend this shore with your life."

Ahsoka: I will Grand- *interrupted*
Corlys: Vaemond!
Vaemond: You dare bequeath the Valyrian steel blade of our blood to this girl?!
Corlys: Calm! Brother. Ahsoka has more than earned this right.

Vaemond gave Ahsoka a nasty look before turning to take his leave. Ahsoka chuckled as the lack of emotional control from grown men.

Afterward, she and Aemond spared for the first time ever in the Driftmark training yard. The feel of the Valyrian Steel sword felt right in her hand. Her swings were quick and swift. Aemond was amazed with Ahsokas movements. Her flips and twirls. "You must teach me some of these moves, my love." He said to her. She answered by attacking him once more, earning a chuckle for him. Aemond left after the dinner he had with the Velaryon family. After he walked Ahsoka to her chambers, leaving her with a passionate kiss. Her words echoed in his mind as he flew away with Vhagar, who seemed saddened by the missing dragon Trigon. "One day, you won't be walking me to my chambers. But hauling me into our own over your shoulder." She said to him. Aemond imagined himself with Ahsoka, and it was pure bliss. Vhagar sensing her riders urges wants to turn around back to Driftmark but doesn't on the protest of Aemond. That night, they both go to sleep with a dream of each others prospective of their future together.


A/N. As you can tell the story isn't going according to the show exactly. Corlys is soon to leave for the stepstones accompanied by Laenor and Seasmoke.

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