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138 AC. Kings Landing

It was the morning of the succession claim, and Viserys was surprisingly awake and alert when Otto had gotten to his chambers. Sitting up on his bed even.

Otto: Your Grace...
Viserys: Otto. Fetch the maids. Have them dress me today's proceedings.
Otto: Your Grace, you should be resting.
Viserys: A king never rests.
Otto: Your Grace, I am more than capable *interrupted*
Viserys: As am I. Now. Fetch the maids.
Otto: *nods* At once, your grace.

Otto is completely taken aback by the kings sudden burst of strength. Enough to ruffle his plans... Otto rushed to the small council chambers where he came upon his daughter, Queen Alicent, sitting at the table.

Otto: Alicent!
Alicent: *sigh* Father. What is it?
Otto: The King plans to sit the Thorne for the proceedings this afternoon.
Alicent: Oh?
Otto: This is a problem. Viserys will never agree to seat Vaemond as Lord of The Tides.
Alicent: Perhaps he will. As long as *interrupted by a knock*
Otto: Enter.
Maid: Your Grace, My Lord. Ser Vaemond is here to see you.

Vaemond enters the council chambers with a grin on his face. You can tell he did not sleep much from nerves. Excitement, perhaps. Vaemond, for as long as anyone can remember, has had ambition. Some would say his ambition rivals that of Otto Hightower.

 Some would say his ambition rivals that of Otto Hightower

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Vaemond: *bows* Your Grace. My Lord. Thank you for seeing me. I do hope all are ready for the proceedings.
Otto: Ser Vaemond. I am afraid The King has regained his strength.
Vaemond: What?
Alicent: My husband shall sit the throne for today. Not The Hand.
Vaemond: *breath hitches* We must get this over with as soon as possible.
Otto: We will.
Vaemond: We must do this before that girl returns from wherever it is she has run off to.
Alicent: Ahsoka?
Vaemond: My great niece is a problem, your grace. She sides with no one but herself.
Alicent: *clenches jaw*
Otto: The Princess shall side with her husband. And Prince Aemond shall side with us when the time comes.
Vaemond: *dry chuckle*
Otto: Ser?
Vaemond: You have not seen them like I have. The Prince and Princess have lived at Driftmark for several years now. I have seen them whisper to each other, giggling like a couple of girls. I have seen him treat her as if she were a God. My Lord Hand. If you believe your grandson still takes your side, you are wrong. That girl has given him eleven children. And I do not see them stopping at that.
Otto: Princess Ahsoka will do what is expected of her. As will Prince Aemond.
Vaemond: And that, my Lord... is what I fear the most.

Later that day, it was the call for the succession of Driftmark. The Throne Room was filled with important nobles of the court from all over Westeros. The Greens, on one side, The Blacks on the other, and The Blues stood in the center of it all. As the room started to fill, everyone was shocked to see Viserys already sitting on the Iron Throne. The King supposedly hasn't sat the throne in nearly a year, but now, here he was.

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