Mental Scars

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131 AC. Dragonstone

Aemond is in the training yard swinging his blade at a straw post. He found only a few ways to thwart his anger. His marriage bed, flying Vhagar, or swinging his sword. Vhagar denied her rider. He couldn't bed Ahsoka. His sword was the only thing that was left. He hated fighting with Ahsoka more than anything, and he wanted to go to her. But she was with her mother. After Ahsoka left, Rhaenyra took off after her. Meanwhile, Daemon just stared at Aemond for a bit before taking his leave. He hated this place. He hated that family. The sooner this is done, the better. "Trouble with your lady wife?" Came a voice thrown across the training yard. Aemond froze. He knew that voice. He turned to see none other than his nephew, Prince Jacaerys. Aemond didn't say anything. Instead, he turned back around and resumed his assult on the straw man.

Jacaerys: Tis no suprise, really. My dear sister has always been rather difficult to handle. Even as a child.
Aemond: *grunts/swings*
Jacaerys: There was a time when we were children. Ahsoka and I had gotten into a fight, and she sprained my wrist. Mother was furious. She grounded her without a second thought. In turn. Ahsoka ran away on the back of Trigon. Of course, she flew to Driftmark. Maybe she's going to *interrupted*
Aemond: *yell/swings*

Aemond turns around and eyes his nephew. The man he hates more than anything or anyone in this world.

Aemond: Have you come to train Kinslayer?

This made Jacaerys angry and begin to move forward. With a hand on his sword, he begins to draw before Daemon calls after him. "Jacaerys. That is enough." Aemond looks over at his uncle before lowering his sword. Daemon walks over and whispers something into Jaces ear that's makes him storm off. Daemon then turns to face his nephew.

Daemon: You have the temper. Are you sure you're a Velaryon?
Aemond: *deep breath*
Daemon: Do you often fight in front of the child?
Aemond: Of course not!
Daemon: Calm yourself.

Aemond huffs in frustration. Being here put him on edge. Sadly, he let his wrath out of Ahsoka.

Aemond: We will be home soon, and everything will be right again. *swings at straw man*
Daemon: You can not deny her, her family.
Aemond: I am her family. Me. Anakin. The babes she carries.
Daemon: She is more than just your wife. She is a strong and more than capable woman.
Aemond: I am aware of that.
Daemon: Then why do you not listen to what she has to say? From what I heard, it didn't sound like you value her words very much.
Aemond: Of course I do! She is the wisest person I have ever met!
Daemon: That's not what I see. I know you have trouble with that, but it's no excuse.
Aemond: I do not want to be here. I do not want my son exposed to this.

Daemon things on Aemonds words for a moment. He understands what he means when she says he doesn't want Anakin to be exposed to this. But it doesn't change the fact that she is Rhaenyra daughter, nor that he's Alicents son.

Daemon: I will level with you. I do not like you. Much. But nevertheless you are my brothers son.
Aemond: So now you're the loving Uncle?
Daemon: To a green? No. But if that is what it takes to make Ahsoka happy, then so be it. You are her husband and father to her children. I can not simply ignore you. Just as she can't ignore your family.

Now Aemond started to think about his uncles words. Ahsoka did endure much during their marriage. After Anakin was born, there was a rumor that Prince Aegon potentially fathered the babe due to the fact that he was so loving towards him. A rumor that was quickly shut down by none other than the Queen herself. Queen Alicent reminded everyone that she was present for the bedding ceremony and if anyone continued to spread this baseless lie, commoner or noble, she would have them whipped through the streets of Kings Landing and burned in Ahsokas blue flame. No one ever dared question her again. She also had to deal with Aegon when he was still drinking. She dealt with so much just to be with him. And how was he repaying that?

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