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120 AC. Driftmark

Ahsoka lost her father in the clouds. Scanning her surroundings, then Ser Laenor to dive in front of them. You can hear the fathers laughter over the wind, sure to make Ahsokas ears pop. The pair loved to race, though Ahsoka and Trigon beat them nearly every time. Ahsoka and Laenor flew beneath the clouds to see Driftmark just ahead. Ahsoka dove followed by Laenor. Ahsoka then yells the command. "Dracarys" (Dragonfire)
Trigon followed the command, spiting out blue dragonfire. The only dragon that was capable of it since the Doom. Laenor immediately dove whilst Ahsoka flew directly into the fire. Laenor worried, she had never done that before. Just before seeing the dragon emerged from the flames. Laenor scanned the dragons back for his daughter. To see her waving and laughing at her father, just before landing. "What was that?" Laenor asked as they walked up the shores of the beaches. "Skoros?" (What?) Ahsoka asked with a laugh. Laenor then rolled his eyes, taking his daughters hand. Ser Laenor and Ahsoka looked up to see his parents, Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, coming towards them for an embrace. The grandparents remember when they learned of Ahsoka. They, of course, heard the rumors of the young princess potentially being Ser Harwins offspring. So when they received a raven with details of the babe likeness, well its said Rhaenys and Lord Corlys mounted Meleys after they both cried. They were at the gates of Kings Landing by the next morning. Behind the proud grandparents came Vaemomd Velaryon and Laena Targaryen. Ahsoka had only met her great uncle Vaemomd a handful of times, not that though meeting were significant enough to remember exactly. Her aunt Laena, on the other hand she had a great relationship with her. She was her fathers best friend. His twin sister.

Rhaenys: What a wonderful surprise!
Corlys: Welcome, son. And welcome to you, Blue Star.
Laenor: Mother, father, hello

Laenor embraced his parents just before noticing his sister. "LAENA!" Yelled Laenor has he darted for his sister, while she did the same. Ahsoka smiled at the love shared between the siblings. It reminded her of her relationship with Luke. She wished she could've had that with Jace, too. If he only allowed it, she thought.

Corlys: Did I just see you emerge from that burst of fire your dragon spit?
Ahsoka: *laughs* Yes indeed, grandsire! Trigon and I have been developing our bond. The heat of his flames doesn't seem to bother me.
Rhaenys: That's extraordinary!
Corlys: What a mighty rider you've become.
Vaemomd: Indeed. It would seem the young princess has many skills. Is that a short sword under your cloak?

Ahsoka reached to unsheathe her sword. A short sword that Laenor had requested made for Ahsokas 10th nameday. The finest steel with seahorse engravings on both sides. With the hilt of the sword, a dark blue. Ahsoka held the sword on her two fingers, showing her strength as well as the balance of the sword. This action placed a shocked expression on his now not so smug face. He thought it was unbecoming of a girl to weild a sword, let alone a princess. He and Queen Alicent had that in common. Leanor had to practically fall to his knees before the King to get him to agree to Ahsokas training, much to Alicent and Rhaenyras displeasure. Rhaenys gave a smile, placing both hands over her mouth. A proud expression. "Perhaps one day you shall weild Jelmāzma?" (Storm) Spoke Corlys is a proud tone. Making Vaemomd look to his elder brother in disbelief and then back to his grand niece with a look of disgust. Jelmāzma or Storm was the legendary Valyrian Steel Blade of House Velaryon. Ahsoka had not seen it before. In fact, no one had except Lord Corlys. Only the leading member of the house may decide which of his blood may weild it. Corlys decided against taking it for himself. Instead, it lays in the room that Lord Corlys keeps his collection of items from his adventures around the world. The Sea Snake they called him.

Ahsoka: I remember the stories grandsire.
Corlys: Come inside.
Rhaenys: What brings you here?
Ahsoka: Mother and Father are fighting about me again. My brothers and Aegon played a cruel prank on Aemond, and I defended him. Mother didn't like that, and she forbade me from my training. But father took me to the yard anyway.
Corlys: You must show us what you can do.

Corlys looked to his son with a smile. Meeting with the twins as Laena embraced Ahsoka. "Trigon has grown mighty. He may one day outgrow Vhagar!" This made Ahsoka laugh. Trigon was indeed big for his age, very big. But you never imagined him outgrowing the largest dragon in the world. The bunch heads inside the Driftmark walls where Ahsoka spars with Laenor and Corlys. Laena and Rhaenys watch as Ahsoka shows off her skill along with some flare.

Meanwhile, back in Kings Landing. Rhaenyra was furious after seeing Seasmoke and Trigon fly towards Driftmark. There were times when she wanted to strike Laenor. "Why must he always try and take her from me?" She thought. Only to then be pulled from thought, "Princess... there's been an incident in the yard."

Lord Strong: It fills me with unrelenting shame.
Harwin: So that's what this is about then? Your shame?
Lord Strong: Our shame, Harwin! Shame on the whole of House Strong.
Harwin: Because I laid my hands on that insufferable Cole, the son of a steward?
Lord Strong: He is a Knight of the Kingsguard now, a defender of the crown.
Harwin: He assailed Prince Jacaerys, the future heir to the throne.
Lord Strong: You have laid us open to accusations of an uglier treachery. Harwin: And what treachery is that?
Lord Strong: Don't play the fool with me, boy. Your intimacy with the Princess Rhaenyra is an offense that would mean exile and death... for you, for her, for the children! Harwin: It is rumor only... spun by the Princess's rivals.
Lord Strong: People have eyes, boy. Yet His Grace the King, it seems, will not accept what his eyes see. This flimsy shield alone stands between you and the headsman. The willful blindness of a father towards his child.
Harwin: I wish my father affected a similar blindness.
Lord Strong: Have I not these many years? And yet today, you publicly assaulted a knight of the Kingsguard in the... in the defense of your... Harwin: You have your honor, and I have mine.

The conversation ended. Rhaenyra crept back to her chambers to think. And what was she to do? That's when Ser Harwin came to tell her of his departure. Lord Strong had tried to step down as hand only to be refused. The King did agree, however, to allow Lord Strong to escort his son back to Harren Castle. A fated event was to follow.


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