I Write To You

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A/N. Warning ⚠️ Mention of suicidal thoughts. If triggered by that, skip the to the Kings Landing section. Thank you for the love and support 🌻🌻🌻

126 AC. Stepstones

Ahsoka wargs into two ravens carrying separate messages. The views of the world are indeed amazing. She's used to flying on dragonback, but flying through the eyes of a bird was serene. Her body is still in the Stepstones sitting upon the rock. Middle of the night, Cregan, Jaxton, and Laenor sit on bedrolls around a fire they had started to keep warm while they protect Ahsoka. Leanor stares at his daughter with fear in his heart and on his face. Jaxton kicks Cregans boot, giving a nod towards the fearful father Ser Laenor.

Cregan: My Lord? Are you alright?
Laenor: Hmm?
Jaxton: Wolf was asking if you were alright.
Laenor: *sighs* She... Ahsoka...
Jaxton: Do you fear her?
Laenor: Of course I don't!
Jaxton: My apologies, Ser
Cregan: What are you thinking about my Ser Laenor?
Laenor: The day Ahsoka was born. I swore to always protect her. To always put her ahead of myself... And how have I faired since?
Cregan: Ser. It is said that... That the Princess was slain by her brother. The Prince Jacaerys.
Laenor: Yes.
Jaxton: I heard the stories but didn't believe them. It was until I came to court with my father that I saw her. I was afraid in truth.
Cregan: Oh, look at the golden Lion boy here getting all vulnerable.
Jaxton: Suck my cock Wolf boy.
Cregan: Hmm, I bet you would like that, wouldn't you *kicked in the leg*

Jaxton playfully kicks Cregan, and the pair share a laugh. Laenor looks at the companionship and smiles. He is happy his daughter is in good hands.

Cregan: So what troubles you Ser?
Laenor: That night I failed. I failed to keep her from death. I failed to protect her on the night she was attacked by the faith. And here right now. She's in a war. I am failing my promise.
Cregan: Things happen way out of our control, my lord.

A silence befalls them before Laenor speaks once more.

Laenor: When she... When she died. I couldn't see anything else to keep me moving forward.

*jaxton and cregan exchange looks*

Laenor: You never love anything like your first born. And when I had thought... *sniffles* I thought I was going to have to attend her funeral.

Laenor breaks into small sobs.

Cregan: I...I can't imagine.
Jaxton: What did you do?
Leanor: *sniffles* I had planned on... I was going, I didn't want my baby to be alone. I didn't know how. But I knew I would follow her. *sniffles* I was going to request she and I be buried in the ocean together. "Wrap her in my arms..." I thought to put in the letter to my parents

Laenor looks up to his daughter once again while her protectors look to the fire. Trying not to shed a tear at the fathers sentiment.

Laenor: And here she is now. Brought back from the Strangers embrace... a woman now... And she's gained so many enemies in her short life. *sniffles* Enemies she doesn't deserve. Enemies of old and bitter men who fear her power. Men who will do anything to destroy her.
Jaxton: Men don't like being overpowered. By women especially...
Cregan: Lion speaks the truth. Though it's still a shame.
Laenor: The thought of a woman in power makes men stay up at night. Because nothing is more terrifying than being proven wrong.
Jaxton: Proven wrong?
Laenor: Men believe women to be weak and fickle. They say women aren't fit to rule. However, if a woman were to assend the Iron Throne and was successful. That would change everything.
Cregan: And people hate change.

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