War. What Is It Good For?

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126 AC. Stepstones


A week later, after the royal fleet has made its way to the shores of the stepstones, Corlys is standing at the table along with the soldiers who have gathered to assist in planning battle strategy. His supposed general of his armies doesn't have an idea on the best attack for the incoming fleet. The incoming attack is taking us from both sides of the island and coming fast. There is only so much time.

General: My lord, if we split the fleet, we would be at half strength on both sides.
Corlys: So what do you suggest?
General: Perhaps if we send our fleet to one end and the dragons to *interrupted*
Corlys: And leave my son and granddaughter to the mercy of the scorpion bolts likely on the Dornish ships?
Ahsoka: What's the strategy?

Heads turn to see Ahsoka and her protectors walking up to the table. Ahsoka in her iridescent blue and gold armor with her blades strapped to her hips. Her white hair was done up in the traditional dreadlocks style of House Velaryon. She was indeed going to war.

Laenor: I'm afraid there isn't one yet.
Ahsoka: Well what *interrupted*
General: Shouldn't you be knitting somewhere?

Lord Corlys and Ser Laenor gesture violently to the General. The latter being obviously a sexist cunt. Ahsoka immediately fires back.

Ahsoka: Shouldn't you have a battle strategy already?
Cregan: *laughs*
Jaxton: *snickers*
Corlys: *clears throat* We have incoming ships coming from the East and South waters. We need to prepare.
Laenor: What do you think we should do, daughter?
Crowd: *murmurs*
Vaemond: To ask a girl a question of war *interrupted*
Ahsoka: Take the ships and all three dragons to the southbound fleet. Grandfather, you attack head-on with everything that you have. And thanks to the ships provided by the King *interrupted*
Jaxton: Thanks to Ahsoka.
Ahsoka: *sighs* The ships provided shall be your reinforcements. They're docked at the West side of the island. The Velaryon fleet will attack head-on whilst the royal vessels flank them, attacking in waves. Seasmoke and the Cannibal shall assist by burning a line in the middle of their ships, thus cutting off the ability for the ships in the back to reinforce their comrades. After that, Seasmoke and The Cannibal shall burn the ships on one side while the royal fleet sends their flanking ships. Trigon will take care of the ships in back behind the line of fire.

Everyone looks to each other with an agreement. It is a good plan. But leaving out the East fleet.

General: And of the East? Princess.
Ahsoka: Hmph. I shall take care of them on my own.
Crowd: *murmurs*
Vaemond: You?
Ahsoka: Me.
Cregan: The Goddess of The Wind and Seas.
Jaxton: The Mother of Storms.

Ahsokas eyes turn bright purple, and storm clouds start to form. In her echoing voice, she states.

Ahsoka: (E/V) Have faith, dear uncle. *laughs* There won't be a ship left. Just do your part for once.

Ahsoka turns to her protectors in a normal voice.

Ahsoka: You two will come with me. Watch my back in case there's any soldiers that snuck onto the island without our knowledge.
Cregan/Jaxton: *overlapping* Of course. Whatever you need.

Ahsoka then turns back to her grandfather, who is smiling proudly. Ahsoka may be a woman, but she is a warrior. Corlys accepts this plan, and everyone dispersed. Ahsoka then hears the voice of the general from far away. Her heightened hearing she takes full advantage of.
"When this is over. I'm going to shove my cock down that bitches throat. Maybe she'll shut up for once." He and a few men laugh at the comment. Ahsoka, on the other hand, turns to see the men. Making a mental note of who they are.

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