Coming To The Capital

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130 AC. Kings Landing

1 Moon Later

Elaena is tending Aemond and Ahsokas needs. It is almost time for the royal babe to arrive. The maesters say the babe could come any day now, so all are preparing. Aemond is rubbing Ahsokas belly with a special oil meant to soothe her and the baby. "Thank you, Elaena. Why don't you take the rest of the day off, yes?" Ahsoka asked as she laid on her bed. Elaena curtseys and takes her leave. She makes her way down the corridor and turns a corner. Only bump into Cregan.

Both: OOF!
Elaena: My Lord. Forgive me.
Cregan: Elaena...*clears throat* The fault was mine entirely.

They try to move on, but they keep stepping in front of each other. Scrambling back and forth, trying to break away from the awkward situation that has befallen them. Eventually, they came to a halt and simply laughed.

Cregan: How are you? I haven't seen you much since we've been back.
Elaena: I am well. Thank you. Ahsoka has really improved this place.
Cregan: She seems to have that effect everywhere she goes.
Elaena: *snickers* I mean. She saved my life so.
Cregan: When were you in danger?
Elaena: When I was a child. I was caught stealing bread on the streets. Ahsoka pardoned me.
Cregan: You were that little girl? I've heard the story. The Princess saved a little girl and then fed all the children of Kings Landing. I didn't know that was you.
Elaena: Well. We have never really spoken before. We both cared for Ahsoka, just in our own duties.

Cregans gaze falls to his feet. He feels shame at this realization. It is true that Cregan had never really interacted with Elaena. They, of course, knew each other from living under the same room for years. Some at Driftmark some at Dragonstone. But he never truly had to talk to her before. She. Was a servant girl...

Cregan: My lady...
Elaena: It is not my wish to place judgment, my Lord. I merely speak truth. It doesn't mean I hold anger in my heart. We both must perform our duty. To bring honor to us both.

This makes Cregan smile at her. The idea that they both serve Ahsoka to bring them honor. But also because they both love and care for her.

Cregan: I vow to do better moving forward. I don't want to be another one of these old cunts. I am sorry for overlooking you all these years.
Elaena: It is something I take pride in.
Cregan: I fear I don't under *interrupted*
Elaena: Ahsoka once told me that my greatest gift was my last name. Waters. Because I have been seen as nothing more than a bastard servant girl, I am able to blend in. They will underestimate me, so I use that to my advantage.
Cregan: Blend in? A rarity such as you should never have to blend in.

This makes Elaena blush. She had been called beautiful before but usually in lewd ways from high lords who wished to take her in their private chambers. To which they did not. This was the first time a man had called her beautiful that wasn't immediately lusting over her.

Cregan: Forgive me, my lady. I am overstepping.
Elaena: Not at all, my lord. I thank you for the compliment. If you will excuse me, my lord *interrupted*
Cregan: Cregan. Please. I insist.
Elaena: Cregan... I have a day to myself I must enjoy. So. If you will excuse me.

Elaena moves to walk away from Cregan. She makes it up a few steps before the Stark lad rushes to grab her hand. By accident, of course...

Cregan: My Lady... *looks at hand*
Elaena: *looks at hand*
Cregan: *let's go/clears throat* Um. Shall I... accompany you? To walk you to your... day to yourself?
Elaena: *smiles* No.

Elaena continues to move up the steps, leaving a few chuckles behind her. Cregan watches Elaena leave with a glint in his eyes.

 Cregan watches Elaena leave with a glint in his eyes

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